
Death the ultimate and inevitable leveller of us all! (Poem)

By Stanley Collymore
It’s a morally impoverished and regrettably as well a truly
pathetic person indeed who either nervously obsesses
about or dismally dreads and thinks that he or she
can suspend or even indeterminately postpone
the emergence of death, which after all, is
indisputably an irreversible fate that is
the definitive destiny of us all. For
just as we patently had no hand
in or made any contribution whatsoever to the physical
presence of ourselves at any point being here in this
world, there’s equally no way that any one of us,
either individually or collectively with others,
can realistically expect to indefinitely fend
off, alter the inexorable circumstances,
affect the precise timing or, for that
matter, permanently defy or else
delay in any conceivable way
the unavoidable headway
of our personal demise.
And therefore rationally accounts for, among other things,
precisely why it’s no astonishment to anyone endowed
with an astute brain in his or her head, that even if
death is the absolute consequence of our own
personal actions: either through conscious
or unwitting suicide for instance, it matters not a jot in
essence at the end how we ultimately go. As death
is unquestionably an inevitability which, at its
own preferring, and notwithstanding how
very privileged elite or lowly Plebeian
that one is either sycophantically or
for that matter, discriminatorily
considered to be, will most
certainly affect us all as
every conversant and
discerning person
patently knows!
Stanley V. Collymore
30 September 2017.

Author’s Remarks:
I take note of and frequently scrutinize the goings on of this world that with the rest of you I have no choice but to live in, and what do I see? A planet brutally and barbarically, for the most part, incompetently and nepotistically run by endemically entrenched, seriously and intellectually impoverished retards, and delusional exceptionalists.

Imbeciles so caught up in their obdurate and all-pervasive narcissism that they both literally and proverbially can’t see the woods for the trees.Inured morons who, in effect, are either totally unaware of or can’t recognize the intense evil that characterizes every one of them. And who in their very worst form constitute the mass murdering elements of every arm of Rogue State USA’s barbarous systems of so-called governance and itself ludicrously and sickeningly passed off as the epitome of democracy. But, in effect, is nothing of the sort and in actuality is a premeditated and malevolent condition of manipulated communal control with its deeply ingrained and ongoing acts of racism interwoven with habituated and a pernicious disposition towards genocidal tendencies.

But while admittedly the predominantly white inhabited and exclusively controlled west isn’t alone in this unconscionable and murderous barbarity, while this is indisputably the case it is nevertheless essentially pertinent to express the irrefutable fact that for all that the white west is at the same time. and without question, both the instigator as well as the principal player in the overwhelming majority of the demonstrably and extraordinarily, demonically exploitative and barbarously premeditated atrocities that quite disreputably and furthermore on a habitual basis are insidiously and extremely perniciously carried out globally.

The collaborative and malignant ethnic cleansing, systemic rape, brutal torture, discernibly planned humiliation and the deleterious and genocidal eradication of the Rohingya minority population of Myanmar – insufferable experiences comparable in character to the identical atrocities monstrously and routinely inflicted on the majority and indigenous inhabitants of Palestine, which have been going on now for well in excess of 50 years by the interloping, thieving, carpet bagging and noxious European Yid element that comprise and continue to infest that illegal, British foreign and colonially, Middle Eastern inserted and contemptible entity Yidland – not even acknowledged by the scum Buddhists who’re wiping them out as citizens of their own country and where the Rohingya have lived for multiple centuries.

A nefarious crusade in the intentional commission of mass murder and horrendous genocide; at the very forefront of which is the despicably lowlife sewer rat and discernible scum, Aung San Suu Kyi, who ludicrously and for such a long time unwarrantedly was hailed in the said west, that still supports, her as a champion of human rights. And categorically goes to show how thoroughly sick in the mind and mentally deranged not only Aung San Suu Kyi is but also all of her supporters, whoever or wherever they are.

But no article of this nature could from my own perspective conclude without mentioning the Wahhabi that conspicuously comprise the sub-human scum of Bantu Saudi and their compatible adherents residing throughout the Middle East, Pakistan and parts of the west. All of whom in intimate union with and the malevolent service of their white western counterparts, be it Rogue State USA, Britain, the whole of mainland Europe, and not just the European Union; and the white cold-bloodedly appropriated from their indigenous populations entities of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Yidland and the rest of them, and that individually and collectively are equally the embedded scum of this earth, present us all with the problems that needlessly we are facing.

The stark irony being, and which laughably is completely lost on all of them, is that none of the numerous ill-gotten gains they’ve come by can they take with them when the Grim reaper inevitably calls time on them. So what was the purpose of it all the sane among us wonder in what they are disgustingly and horrifically doing?


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