
Love for me is too precious an asset to foolishly waste on a self-absorbed loser like you!

By Stanley Collymore
You claim that you love me and
consequently therefore want
to actually spend the rest
of your life with me; but in spite of your
repetitive importuning of me to simply
trust and believe you on this evidently
important matter that you essentially
customarily also, routinely indulge in
distinctively, equally similarly raising
clearly consistently but all the same
a truly, rather undeniably awkwardly
for me, very unequivocally, crucially
stated endeavour of yours that you
however rather essentially, actually
never once in these key effectively,
absolute genuinely professed love
declarations of yours– simply ever
once endeavoured to or otherwise
actually sought my actual opinion
about: like for instance how I truly
feel about what you’re perpetually
telling me or crucially also simply
whether or not such a discernibly
imperative, significantly intensive
relationship, were it unimpededly
to emphatically quite realistically
materialize, would then basically
be seen as or naturally regarded
as really an ad hoc compromise,
undertaken, most undeniably so,
on a spontaneous whim instead
of very specifically and mutually
jointly and likewise undoubtedly
very beneficially, consummated,
in a veritable legally recognized
union of our own; fittingly really
in what’s customarily, distinctly
captivatingly and unmistakably
reputably hailed, as matrimony.
Like any average human being,
outside of the rather lovingly
familial situation in which
one was fittingly, also quite beneficially
raised and unquestionably endearingly
brought up in I likewise would actually
similarly personally and dearly clearly
relish, to be able to truly be blessedly
afforded the obvious positive choice
of being a similar beneficiary of just
such a general situation, laudably in
my own individual life. However, I’m
quite perceptive and also obviously
wholly realistically rational likewise
to basically competently know that
such a worthy state of affairs, truly
doesn’t naturally materialize out of
the blue or evidently automatically,
generally becomes a fait accompli
because crucially one quite simply
rather earnestly wishes it to be so!
But effectively, has to generally
be consciously, actually and
intelligently also devised;
meticulously worked upon and equally,
sometimes invariably so, undoubtedly
due to a series of setbacks– the clear
recurrent consequences distinctly of
other people’s actions, together also
with one’s own. Then simply fittingly,
in those distinct circumstances, the
one logical approach: to undeniably
and progressively very significantly
move forward, generally buoyed up
with the full knowledge and crucial
understanding, that rather possibly
may be quite hard to literally come
to terms with nevertheless though
when persevered with, beneficially
and inspirationally work; obviously
coupled with the fitting endeavour
to effectively be an honest person
but not simply, and singularly with
just others but similarly and most
essentially as well one’s own self!
Crucially and aptly fundamentally
instituting all authentic attributes
on which undeniably, meaningful
and clearly durable relationships,
truthfully, solidly and propitiously
engaged in are simply irrefutably,
enduringly realized! So obviously
regrettably, I must really say, you
very definitively, don’t essentially
create any such correspondingly
meaningful emotions within me!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 November 2023.

Author's Remarks:
This poem was specifically written with all "die Dummkoepfe" in mind and a surfeit of which live in and infest the British Isles with their genetically and biologically produced bastard offspring along with the presence of their simply perceived societal betters comprised quite largely but unsurprisingly of their own obsessively and likewise recurrent incestuous kind.

Conjointly, moronic and rather toxically verminous, intellectually challenged lowlifes at all perceived class levels of their medievally entrenched societal system still egregiously implanted in what's undoubtedly the 21st Century. People, or more correctly and obviously discernibly labelled, sub-humans who most incongruously love to randomly as well as specifically label themselves as the master race; and with noxious and similarly clearly fatuous airs and graces to match, but simply very unsurprisingly all of it quite evidently a truly grotesque facade without any substance!

Idiots: these plethora of racist Karens and likeminded Gammons, who rather instinctively from their self-entitled and the really privileged situations that they occupy, simply most characteristically, unquestionably assiduously, noxiously obsessively, and undeniably earnestly; although rather specifically embarking most rabidly on their vile, and odiously social climbing endeavours, obviously waste no time, however, in undeniably and most disdainfully looking down on everyone else outside their delusionally perceived as sanctified ranks.

With most ironically, the surfeit of quite dim-witted and gullible sycophants who religiously ape them and are so densely stupid that they even also compulsively model their hopeless and pathetic lives on them, because they unquestionably have absolutely nothing really of worth, regarding themselves, to offer! What a nation!

In conclusion this poem is also simply a catalyst to those who are essentially self-evidently mentally liberated with a heart-warming "Congratulations to you" as well as a hopefully motivatory force to those of you who discernibly and as well self- respectingly desire to get out of the morass that you're in!


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