By Stanley Collymore
Benjamin Netanyahu wouldn’t look the very least out of place to Herr Adolf Hitler if he, Bibi, were to grease his hair, likewise part it to the side and grew a moustache. But, as far as personalities go the utter lowlife, vile odious Yid scumbag is no Adolf Hitler; and simply because Adolf Hitler really became who he was because of the atrocious and demeaning treatment of the Germans after World War 1 by the British – what an actual surprise, not – and the French under the so ferociously awful and degrading treatment and humiliation engendered by and nastily imposed on the Germans by the malignant Treaty of Versailles. And although Austrian by birth Adolf Hitler was obviously proudly of German extraction and consequently as such, felt honour bound to naturally assist his fellow Germans – and who could really blame him – and clearly rectify the wrongs that had been wrought upon them and as was evidently well known across Germany at the behest and likewise too of European Jewry; the discernibly indisputable money handlers who likewise contributed simply massively to Germany’s overall misery. So whatever Adolf Hitler’s faults were – and in reality there were many – they really pale in insignificance in my opinion to those of a narcissistic, evidently odious Yid Benjamin Netanyahu; principally, since Hitler always had the German nation and its people very much at heart, while in marked contrast it is only himself that Bibi first, last and also utmost only thinks of!
An odiously, malignantly egregious, quite toxically verminous and a narcissistically ingrained sociopath and psychopath Bibi is an aggressively and compulsive addict where power is concerned and will clearly do anything to acquire it! That and equally the diverse trappings obviously associated with it; and none greater than money itself which he’s compulsively obsessed with. A situation which the overwhelming majority of his political allies both in Israel and also across the white West similarly are in! And it’s well known who these likeminded very odiously like him, as they aptly continue to vilely infest the countries they likewise, so genocidally acquired from their indigenous populations clearly on the North American continent and in the antipodean region!
I’ve specifically left off Israel, as Benjamin Netanyahu isn’t particularly liked there and has only actually obviously attained power in that distinctly settler entity because his Likud Party aligns itself conveniently with the other far right and Nazi Zionist parties to formulate in their own interests a quite suitable coalition that suits their greed. So Benjamin Netanyahu is clearly no saviour let alone any messiah of the Israeli people or anyone else, come to that! And he really always obviously, crucially gets away with what he does in the West and principally in Europe, primarily so because of undeniably the generally entrenched, white Caucasian guilt associated with undoubtedly and as such exclusively white barbaric guilt that’s associated with the European holocaust. A situation that utterly pisses me off since it is patently obvious that these evil mother fuckers can only equate barbarity literally to their own kind. No such empathy then for the people of Namibia then, a colony of Germany in South West Africa– where, a total of 80% of the indigenous population was systematically wiped out in Germany’s first Holocaust of the 20th Century and in effect preceded the European one that in effect, basically every single living sole on earth must wear sackcloth and ashes for, and equally pay due reverence to, because rather allegedly, 6 million European Jews– more appropriately labelled Zionists, were barbarically slaughtered by their own very white Caucasian kind, including the Waffen SS of the Ukraine who are now the fucking poster boys of these same braindead and likemindedly barbaric cunts.
But no such enduring and unquestionably commemorative sympathy for the Herero of Namibia, the millions more very relative to the European holocaust of Gypsies and the distinctively derogatorily referred to as Rhineland Niggers: clearly rather bona fide French Citizens of mixed race, or the many others who, likewise, were exterminated in Europe’s death camps. And as a Blackman many of whose relatives from Barbados as well as other Caribbean territories, that so altruistically fought in a war which actually naturally, very effectively had bugger all to do with them, but none of you cunts give a shit about an ironic situation where it was Sephardic as well as other European Jews that literally introduced slavery and started the odious Transatlantic Slave Trade in my ancestral homeland of Barbados– but you distinctly, prized assholes don’t give a fuck about any of the aforementioned, however WE must actually all empathize with these poor Yids! From birth we Bajans are clearly told not to hate other people; despise them if need be but to simply go as far as hating anyone don’t do it, as you simply ultimately become like those who you are hating. So I don’t hate Jews– real ones, or a collage of fake Zionist ones. I simply quite proudly so do nevertheless unquestionably do literally obviously empathize with the Palestinians, as I evidently undoubtedly fully do with the Aborigines, the Maoris and, quite similarly too the actual indigenous peoples of North America, all of whom, are unquestionably, the systematic victims, of white genocide and its vile barbaric cleansing of these and also crucially other self-evidently obviously indigenous people in their very own lands. Just you think on that when next you want the likes of me to quite obviously climb on to your specified and distinctively odiously vile bandwagon, and actually empathize in the process with you for simply having just the once fucking well actually, having quite simply butchered your own kind; but really, don’t give a monkey’s shit about others like me that you obviously quite callously killed at the same time but who irrefutably didn’t evidently look like your distinctly barbarous murderers. Trust me! In my personal case, it isn’t going to happen!
All cloaked under the bogus banner which you always adore using, of anti-Semitism. Semitism is not a religion, it’s a biological grouping just like Aborigine, Maori, clearly Indigenous North Americans, and Chinese etc. The Palestinians are clearly, categorically Semites; European Jews: those practising Judaism or simply the bogus Zionist ones aren’t Semites; quite literally because they are categorically white and Caucasian and are from Europe. I’m really Afro-Caribbean, and like all such people we very irrefutably do carry in our DNA system the white male Y chromosome, a very direct consequence of the systematic and systemic rape of our Black women and girls both during Slavery and Colonialism! But no Bajan, or logically any other Afro-Caribbean person would, at any time, realistically or asininely describe himself or herself even remotely as a white Caucasian person; no matter, how actually light skinned they were. Also like my fellow Bajans I’m staunchly, a practising Christian: Anglican to be precise. And, while I’m fully aware, that Christianity, rather exactly, just like Judaism has its roots established very firmly in the Palestine region of the Middle East and is undoubtedly generally classed principally by Europeans as a Semitic faith, as is Islam and Judaism, actually because their creators were SEMITES; just because the overwhelming majority Barbadians are like myself Christian, doesn’t mean that we can all of us go around actually, and rather emphatically, calling ourselves Semites, or as well forcibly demand, that other people see us as and similarly refer to us as such! Diverging a bit, Rastafarianism was literally founded as a religion quite unquestionably by Afro-Caribbeans in Jamaica; however, it is now essentially practised by whites and racial groups globally as their religion also. But if, for example, a white Briton converts to this faith of Rastafarianism, becomes a brother in that faith to other Rastafarians it doesn’t, however, make him in any way, an Afro-Caribbean. And even if he did take out Jamaican citizenship for example and did live continuously afterwards in the country where Rastafarianism was literally created he would still actually be rather evidently a white Caucasian male and simply, NOT by any interpretation ever an Afro-Caribbean; which is crucially distinctively, a biological thing!
So how the Hell then can distinctively very white Caucasians from mainland Europe or its offshore entities like Britain, and all there undoubtedly as the descendants of refugees in effect from their own several internecine pogroms or the quite one off European holocaust, by any stretch of an intelligent mind automatically even quite remotely ever be SEMITES? We are in the 21st Century and there is the technology to irrefutably determine these things. It’s called DNA. And for people who actually like to think they’re superior to everyone else in every specific field including that discernibly obviously of science, why not intelligently then use this rather provable scientific panacea and prove to the world undoubtedly they’re whom they routinely, belligerently and vociferously claim to be? The likes of Benjamin Netanyahu literally don’t have a solitary drop of Semitic blood coursing through their veins and they really simply bloody well know that! Any more so than another quite distinctly odious, racist Yid Amanda Platell: quite similarly so from another country, Australia where vilely the Aboriginal people, have been genocidally excluded from their homeland where they have lived for in excess of 66,000 years, in what her sort categorically like to actually delude themselves was unquestionably a Terra nullius land before the white man did go there– is herself a veritable descendant of aristocratic French Huguenots! And, in effect, the reason these sorts literally get away with murder is because their rather evilly supportive entities like the USA, and also Canada and New Zealand are in the same genocidal boat requisite to their very own indigenous population as is Israel! In essence murderous brothers and sisters in arms!
Another reason for all this bogus Semitism malarkey is literally the billions in revenue that Germany alone, gives to these people because of the European holocaust, a very massive guilt complex towards these Yids but systematically ignores the other vilely treated victims of Europe’s holocaust: the Gypsies who lost far more of their people, as well as the derogatorily referred to, as the Rhineland Niggers: actually bona fide French citizens of mixed race, just to thus name two other victim groups. Billions in effect then from Germany complemented with the same from the USA; and all this in effect distinctly, significantly bolstered by these white western countries deliberately and against their own rules turning Israel into a nuclear state, which they arrogantly and most dishonestly deny, just like they did with Apartheid South Africa, until the ANC, which never wanted these weapons in South Africa in the first place and very publicly said so to these same hypocrites denials that apartheid South Africa didn’t have any such weapons, yet requested a democratically elected ANC government to give up what they, the West claimed that a racist apartheid South Africa never had. In essence as with South Africa then, clearly okay for white interlopers to have them but not the indigenous non-white population.
And it accounts for why scum like Bibi can and does with the rather absolute backing of white Western governments literally get away with crude genocide in this actually a supposedly enlightened 21st Century. And basically quite significantly too, why these odiously Zionist Yids aren’t at all that keen, nor their avid supporters, as well, for them to have DNA tests. Tests that will certainly categorically prove they’re not in the least bit Semites but fakes. Tests that will in an instant truly nullify quite permanently their rather bogus anti-Semitism and very heart string pulling master card, while distinctly putting all that German Wiedergutmachung Compensation they get for a war that quite actually ended in 1945, at risk? And simply bearing in mind, that any truly, genuine Yid victims of it are now miniscule in number?
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
2 April 2024.
Author's Remarks:
Benjamin Netanyahu the man who quite anecdotally it's claimed has no enemies but is hated by all his friends; make of that what you will! What I do categorically know is that Bibi is in power to literally save his distinctly criminal and corrupt as out of jail and so it's in his personal interests to keep the conflict in Palestine going, since for as long as that happens and he's in power he can indefinitely have the patently, myriad serious court cases against him forever in abeyance; an endeavour not dissimilar in the least obviously from the same aims of his buddy Donald Trump; and like both of these respective lowlifes keep their evilly and vile asses out of Jail!
That said the clearly obviously Western US controlled Military Industrial Complex very characteristically doesn't give a toss, who actually controls Israel amongst distinctly likeminded Zionist Yids, or basically what conflicts in themselves are waged, as in all respects it quite simply means more mega bucks for themselves, quite obviously their Yid bankers and as well the very distinctly, manifestly ongoingly, surfeit of undeniably significantly corrupt as well as mercenary politicians in these myriad, white western run or controlled countries.
And for those in Britain claiming either out of stupidity or calculated dishonesty, that the Palestinian Conflict has nothing to do with the UK; firstly it was the UK that gave away the Palestinians' country to refugee interlopers that Britain nor the rest of the European populace effectively wanted in their own countries and basically the exact same was true of the USA, Canada, which was more than happy to welcome the vile surfeit of Ukrainian Waffen SS and equally their vile family members and in this quite obviously the 21st Century still literally has in effect the largest number of these quite lowlife scum in residence in Canada, and only marginally behind the Ukraine itself. Likewise, distinctly racist delusional Terra nullius Australia and New Zealand clearly didn't want them either, so they were truly dumped in Palestine with no input clearly from the Palestinians of what the actually wanted.
The second point of mine in rebuttal to a rather asinine assumption that it's nothing to do with the UK is like saying that the vile activities unquestionably of Jimmy Savile, Bishop Peter Ball, Rolf Harris and likewise Brian Epstein quite literally had nothing to do whatsoever, with Britain's monarchical family the Windsors, bearing in mind the very close inter-relationship that the entire family and their staffers and servants had with these paedophiles and that irrefutably Charles himself along with others in those households and family had an in excess of two decades close relationship - distinctly, and most specifically with Jimmy Savile as well as Bishop Peter Ball that Charles did everything he could to protect him as did also the former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey now in the House of Lords.
And though enforcedly born British clearly without a doubt my moral compass is very distinctly Bajan oriented, so I clearly don't buy into this British hypocrisy. Finally, the Palestine fiasco was clearly meant to be a two state solution, but quite like everything these Zionist Yids, and their rather odious western backers have no notion whatever of what morality or decency is. Hardly, in the least surprising, for a people who very clearly worship only money!
#Greed #Hate