
A Nazi mindset, German criminal Donald J. Drumpf, as USA President pardoning other likeminded criminals– how nice!

By Stanley Collymore
These Blackwater lowlifes
should have been rather
legally and summarily
executed, if one were
to follow regular Republican
and, of course, Herr Donald
Drumpf’s totally notorious
and discernibly deranged,
twisted reasoning – Oh do
please hold on a minute;
they’re all of them very
clearly white!  But then
rather predictably, the
notorious majority of
the Donald Drumpf’s
loyal supporters are
surly, intellectually
challenged, inured
lowlife, ingrained
scum; likewise in
their established
foundation fully
in tandem with
and possessing
every element
closely linked
to verminous
fans of Herr
D. Drumpf
anyway. So
this sick, thoroughly
mendacious, rather
immoral move by
a narcissistic, sick
racist, criminal
Nazi, wannabe
Fuehrer won’t
jar with their
thinking and
appear quite
ordinary, to
all of them!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 December 2020.

Author's Remarks:
The best revenge is that none of these unworthily pardoned skunks will be able to pardon Donald J. Drumpf when he's eventually incarcerated in jail for his crimes. Thus this rather repulsive orange blob will be absolutely obliged to totally spend and enjoy his many years behind bars, while these goons go free. Ironically, for him, most unsure whether or not they'll even bother to visit him inside!

#Racism #SupremicismWhite

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