In Blade Runner
Replicants are slaves
Birthed in an adult body
With false memories implanted
To make their burden somehow bearable
Unlike Replicants we have real childhoods
But like them our memories are false
Implanted by Post—Enlightenment Secular Materialism—
You might call us PESMists
Who believe that whatever can go wrong
Will go wrong
Because our memories are all wrong:
We believe the lies we were told
The only way to forget
Who we remember ourselves to be–
i.e. Bonded servants of the unmemorable
Such that all we recall of our identity
Is naked servitude to ourselves–
Is to make new memories
Of that which is older than time
Let’s begin by jogging our memories
With the age-old question:
Are we all just Replicants born too young?
There is no right or wrong answer
Because the answer is God
In whom we are free
If only we accept that responsibility
And if memory serves correctly
Once we do
It will be unforgettable