Prayer for America, A song and a poem , because there is a need to pray for our country in times like these. I am not an artist , but I write songs as the Holy Spirit gives them to me. H.S.I. stands for Holy Spirit Inspiration.
Always someone or something, To brighten up your day. With something they do, or something they say. Sometimes you’re having,
Color should have nothing to do, with the way I feel t’wards you. Why let color tear apart, the way you feel inside your heart… Walk with me, be my brother,
Yes Life’s memories come so quickly to our minds Like a pictures flash moments suddenly unwind In a certain breeze
What is man without God? He just wouldn’t even be. Without the one who spoke, and created you and me. Such a wonderful awesome
Ahhh, life what can we say? To open our eyes, to take another… what a privilege, what a mystery to be who we are. To have destiny and purpose
Take me in your arms, and never let me go, Take me in your arms, and hold me til I know, That you and you alone,
Ah sweet memories, as another day passes again I recall. Embracing old times, remembering days gone by
She was amazing; loving, and very kind. and while sitting sometimes, she comes to my mind. She was amazing; friendly,
A soldier is a brave young man, who fights for freedom in his land… A soldier must go when duty calls, To fight the battle for us all A soldier is a mothers son,
This overwhelming love and care, never ceasing always there. It’s my children l’m speaking of y… For their always there to care for… How blessed I am to have such lov…
As I lay quietly, just the sound of the cricket is all I can hear. Then another sound, a neighbor is up quite late
A tender romance, a kiss in the mo… my heart set ablaze with love. I was young when we met many years… but as years went by, time didn’t… love we felt for one another. Stil…
The gift of God, is Christ His S… The Lamb Of God, the Holy One. So precious was the life He lead, So precious was the Blood He shed… Oh Christ! beloved Son of God.
The flag is bright, with all it’s strips, it’s beautiful to see… How beautiful it’s colors as it’s waving out to me. And we must keep it waving out
Terrible things began to happen, things we can’t even imagine, but the optimist said it will be o… Though already bad, things got eve… worse, but the optimist said, He w…