Prayer for America, A song and a poem , because there is a need to pray for our country in times like these. I am not an artist , but I write songs as the Holy Spirit gives them to me. H.S.I. stands for Holy Spirit Inspiration.
Across the room, she prissed and p… Flaunting her beauty as she danced Not really as naughty as some woul… Just full of wine and other strong… Giving the handsome young men a gl…
Young people should not own a gun, til at least, the age of 21 Oh God! help us to see this fact, Before we suffer another attack. How many now are in despair?
Everybodies having trouble these d… What can we do? What can we say? What words can we say to comfort a… Where do we start? Where do we be… Trouble, hurt, pain, sorrow!!!
Can you imagine being in the belly… never in my life have I heard such… Being swallowed alive by a great b… with only a prayer, with only a wi… Down to the bottom of the sea he w…
Even before He made mankind, The light of day was on his mind. He made the darkness move away, He spoke, and made a perfect day Oh what a wonderful gift to wake,
Babies really steal your heart, make you feel all torn apart. When they laugh you feel the joy, from the baby girl or boy. They always seem to bring a smile,
I write about my family, because they mean so much to me, Experience this is the key, to write about the family tree. My family are those I know,
Daughters are the names of those you bare when it’s a girl, and actually there are a lot of Daughters in the world, but when you have your own,
This pain down inside, seems just to much to hide, but I’m covered. Like one who’s being crushed, like the snow after it’s slushed,
On the 4th Of July we celebrate, our Independence Day, With fireworks bursting in the sky… so beautiful in array. It’s quite a sight to see,
The heavens will open, and He sha… On a glorious cloud for all to see… The heavens will open, and He sha… The Savior is coming for you and… The trump will sound, He’ll give…
Many years have passed, seven decades to be exact, moments, days, years have gone, Just like that, but I still carry on.
There is a young lady, her name is… Shes one of the sweetest that God… She’s beautiful outside, and also… There’s so much to say, where do… She loves her family members sooo…
The kiss after the wedding vows this indeed is a beautiful kiss. as two hearts join to become one, is there any quite like this? The kiss, the way another person
I looked at myself in the mirror, thinking, I don’t like what I se… because I’m getting older and, things are changing with me, but then God reminded me,