I am aquainted with pain having lost loved ones, and a best friend, and going through some other things beside these, but I believe there is darkness just before the dawn.
Help the dear people of Ukraine, hear their cries Lord, feel their… See the evil that’s being done, help them now, Oh Holy One. Have mercy on them, Lord we pray,
Can you imagine being in the belly… never in my life have I heard such… Being swallowed alive by a great b… with only a prayer, with only a wi… Down to the bottom of the sea he w…
Love for your husband, love for your wife, love for everyone in your life. Love for your enemies? because hate is not good,
A soldier is a brave young man, who fights for freedom in his land… A soldier must go when duty calls, To fight the battle for us all A soldier is a mothers son,
True love makes you smile, It does not leave you blue. You can depend on it, always being there for you. True love will not change,
Without our hope, we could not cope. We’d find ourselves, At the end of our rope. We need our hope
Love for others, empathy, feeling what they feel, with a love that’s very real. Hurting for others, sympathy, wanting to show you care,
Lord send rain, let fires cease, Send your rain Lord let it increa… Lord you love us, and you care, so send your rain Lord everywhere. Lord send rain, please send it now…
A beautiful day, the air so sweet, the smell of nature, so fresh. The birdies sing, whistle, and twe… the clouds mingle, and mesh. I’m happy today, as my eyes behold…
This wonderful day called Thanksg… with feast, with family, and Parad… We’re so thankful just to be livin… to see all the progress we’ve made… It marks the beginning of the H…
As I lay quietly, just the sound of the cricket is all I can hear. Then another sound, a neighbor is up quite late
Happily ever after, Is what our Joe would say. If he could relay this message, to us on Earth today. Happily ever after,
There’s something about you, somet… Something I felt when I first saw… Something good, something wise, some virtue that you possess insid… I’m one who believes in showing lo…
Gosh! has it ever really been this… as I think back, I really think n… Heatwave number 1,2,3,4,5 All I can say is it’s good to be… Don’t want to go out cause it’s to…
I look around with joy, in this place, I’ve always known. and I say to myself that I’m glad this is my home. I look around with joy,