There is my shadow, A dark outline of this body And yet, it also holds, The hidden imperfections Of my existence.
What is the happiest moment of the… When I make someone laugh When I am of use for the good When I show kindness When I hold a hand
Life is but a dream, our fantasies, spill, like liquid tears that pool and vaporize into the air.
Mr. R. would talk about his deceased brother, he dreamed about him frequently; also of an eagle
I heard past generations In my son’s voice, I saw his life fly Into another dimension, A place, I can only imagine.
If I had all the time In the world To write, What would I say? What would be the most
Driving down the road, The song, “Let It Be” Came on the radio. Taking me back to Various scenarios.
Great scientific minds Working for cures Of terminal diseases, The clock ticks... What is the cure
Unable to be all things For all people, Perhaps at one time, I tried. Those days are
Standing at a crossroad Between this life And the next, Heart in hand I knock on that
I lay still While my loved one, Sleeps. His warm hand In my hand,
The many places I have been And countless faces I have seen, The many tales to be told, Into the universe, they unfold. It’s all a passing show,
Beneath the bustling, hustling mind, deep inside, there is an oasis of calm.
On this New Year’s Eve Direction lost Drifting like blowing snow To and fro. A freeze comes
Geese are honking As they fly Across an orange colored Sky. My spirit soars