Thoughts flicker like twinkling lights, ride them across the sky. Embrace your dream,
Cold spring rain chills my body And yet, the birds fly in unison As if, it is a sunny day. The white tail deer Bounce through the ravine
The chimes outside the pottery studio ring like a temple bell, calling the faithful to honor,
This evening the blank, white page is open. My nerves are on edge, while a storm forms on the horizon.
Summertime gives A chance to grow Under the sun, Travel, to new places And have some fun.
Orange full moon with a half smile, a hanging lantern, lighting the way, through dark streets,
Leaves falling, Another season Decorating the earth. One red leaf In my path,
Holy Holy Morning glory Blooming in a haze Of purple light. Holy Holy
White heron skidding the blue, grey water, of the bay. How free and easy you make it look,
At that magical time When the yellow moon Sets, And the pink mist Of dawn,
Mr. R. would talk about his deceased brother, he dreamed about him frequently; also of an eagle
On a walk, many Brown-Eye Susan line the border, before the woods. Rain clouds move closer as if to give a hug, while
The white snow, thin Like sand, over The fields, blowing Across the road. My car rambles
The lines in my hand, Were read once, By a gypsy, who Predicated a long life... But with many interruptions.
The hummingbirds are buzzing As well as the bees. The Orioles land gingerly On top of the feeder. Cautiously they move down