This is the America I know: A sea of white, black, red, yellow And brown faces, Strong minds and voices Raised to the sun,
The birds flock to the bird feeder, some with black, capped heads and others with
Inspiration is in the falling of rain, the soft coo of birds in late afternoon, the sinking of the
Inhale, the arms float up, Exhale, the arms float down, Namaste, at the heart. Inhale, the body bends, Hands at top of mat,
When you are not here An empty heart full of fear Arises and wonders If I will see you again. What will I do without
The red cardinal high in a tree, caught my attention with his melodious chirp on my daily walk.
Mr. R. would talk about his deceased brother, he dreamed about him frequently; also of an eagle
Beneath the bustling, hustling mind, deep inside, there is an oasis of calm.
Remember the night we took your mother’s car and drove over the skyway bridge? The moon was a bright light to show the way.
Autumn wind Brings scattered leaves, Splattered, With red and gold. Autumn wind
Rolling painted deserts of the west. Shrub bushes dot sloping hillsides. Relentless sun heats up
Grateful for: Sunrise of pink and gold Showing the way, Lighting the sky, To another blessed day.
On this New Year’s Eve Direction lost Drifting like blowing snow To and fro. A freeze comes
Cool breeze rustles through the tr… drifting into my open door and leads me to the window to see leaves falling with abandon. Highlights of red and gold lace
Pink hues from the west Filter through Snow covered boughs Leaving, The evening light