O flame of living love, That dost eternally Pierce through my soul with so con… Since there’s no help above, Make thou an end of me,
Midnight long is over-past As we loiter, and the rain falls f… As we loiter on your doorstep, And the rain falls fast. Will the watchful mother hear,
There are nine rubies in this Ind… And every blood-red ruby is a part Of the nine-petalled rose that is… The elaborate rose of my own fashi… Not out of any garden have I soug…
Your kisses, and the way you curl, Delicious and distracting girl, Into one’s arms, and round about, Luxuriously in and out Twining inextricably, as twine
You were a child, and liked me, ye… To-day you are a woman, and perhap… Those softer eyes betoken the swee… Of liking into loving: who shall s… Only I know that there can be for…
The feverish room and that white b… The tumbled skirts upon a chair, The novel flung half-open where Hat, hair-pins, puffs, and paints,… The mirror that has sucked your fa…
I have laid sorrow to sleep; Love sleeps. She who oft made me weep Now weeps. I loved, and have forgot,
Sweet, can I sing you the song of… How soft is this one, how subtle t… How fluttering swift as a bird’s k… As a bird that taps at a leafy lat… How this one clings and how that u…
Shake out your hair about me, so, That I may feel the stir and scen… Of those vague odours come and go The way our kisses went. Night gave this priceless hour of…
—After a picture by Burne Jones— The green leaves, ah, the green le… Would I might lose this unloved h… And share the happy being of the l… For lo, they live and grow and dri…
When Lilian comes I scarcely know If Winter wraps the world in snow… Or if ’tis Summer strikes a-glow The fountain in the court below, When Lilian comes.
Rain, and the night, and the old f… And the archway dim, and the roadw… Faces that pass, and faces, and mo… Renée! come, for I wait. Pallid out of the darkness, adorab…
Yes, I’m dying by inches; the Dev… I fought him fourscore years, but… No, not God, not a word of God!… The Devil is waiting, I tell you,… Sir, you know I’m a witch? Look h…
I am the torch, she saith, and wha… If the moth die of me? I am the f… Of Beauty, and I burn that all ma… Beauty, and I have neither joy no… But live with that clear light of…
I will go my ways from the city, a… My heart shall forget one woman’s… I will arise, and set my face to t… Among stranger-folk and in the wan… The world is great, and the bounds…