It is already Autumn, and not in… The leaves are on the ground, Green leaves untimely browned, The leaves bereft of Summer, my h… Swift, in the masque of seasons, t…
Intoxicatingly Her eyes across the footlights gle… (The wine of love, the wine of dre… Her eyes, that gleam for me! The eyes of all that see
The night is light and chill, Stars are awake in the sky, There’s a cloud over the moon; Round the house on the hill The wind creeps with its cry
Skirts like the amber petals of a… A primrose dancing for delight In some enchantment of a bower That rose to wizard music in the n… A rhythmic flower whose petals pir…
The gipsy tents are on the down, The gipsy girls are here; And it’s O to be off and away fro… With a gipsy for my dear! We’d make our bed in the bracken
I have loved colours, and not flow… Their motion, not the swallows win… And wasted more than half my hours Without the comradeship of things. How is it, now, that I can see,
As Nora on the pavement Dances, and she entrances the grey… Into the laughing circle of her po… The magic circle of her glances, As Nora dances on the midnight pa…
It is the beggars who possess the… Kings on their throne have but a n… Of some poor known dominion; these… All the unknown, and that vast hap… Of the uncertainty of human things…
When your eyes opened to mine eyes… Without desire, without surprise, I knew your soul awoke to see All, dreams foretold, but could no… Yet loving me, not loving me.
In the fields and the lanes again! There’s a bird that sings in my ea… Messages, messages; The green cool song that I long t… It pipes to me out of a tree
The shadows of the gaslit wings Come softly crawling down our way; Before the curtain someone sings, The music sounds from far away; I lounge beside you in the wings.
The fountain murmuring of sleep, A drowsy tune; The flickering green of leaves tha… The light of June; Peace, through a slumbering aftern…
The Benedictine scents and stains the languor of your pallid lips; My kiss shall be a bee that sips A fainting roseleaf flushed with r… I thirst, and yet my thirst increa…
The little painted angels flit, See, down the narrow staircase, wh… The pink legs flicker over it! Blonde, and bewigged, and winged w… The shining creatures of the air
Last night I saw you decked to me… The coming of those most reluctant… The little bonnet that you wear When you would fain, for his sake,… The primrose ribbons that so grace