#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters
And live I still to see Relations… And yet survive to sound this wail… Ah, woe is me, to write thy Funer… Who might in reason yet have lived… I saw the branches lopt the Tree…
If ever two were one, then surely… If ever man were loved by wife, th… If ever wife was happy in a man, Compare with me, ye women, if you… I prize thy love more than whole m…
2. Sam. 1. 19. Alas slain is the… Illustrious Saul whose beauty did… Upon thy places mountainous and hi… How did the Mighty fall, and fall… In Gath let not this things be sp…
What God is like to him I serve, What Saviour like to mine? O, never let me from thee swerue, For truly I am thine. My thankfull mouth shall speak thy…
Thou ill-form’d offspring of my fe… Who after birth didst by my side r… Till snatched from thence by frien… Who thee abroad, expos’d to public… Made thee in raggs, halting to th’…
By duty bound, and not by custome… To celebrate the praises of the de… My mournfull mind, sore prest, in… Presents my Lamentations at his H… Who was my Father, Guide, Instru…
In silent night when rest I took, For sorrow near I did not look, I wakened was with thund’ring nois… And piteous shrieks of dreadful vo… That fearful sound of “fire” and “…
In my distress I sought the Lord When naught on earth could comfort… And when my soul these things abho… Then, Lord, Thou said’st unto me,… Thou knowest the sorrows that I f…
As weary pilgrim, now at rest, Hugs with delight his silent nest His wasted limbes, now lye full so… That myrie steps, haue troden oft Blesses himself, to think vpon
The Fire, Air, Earth and water d… Which was the strongest, noblest a… Who was of greatest use and might’… In placide Terms they thought now… That in due order each her turn sh…
No sooner come, but gone, and fal’… Acquaintance short, yet parting ca… Three flours, two searcely blown,… Cropt by th’Almighties hand; yet… With dreadful awe before him let’s…
Twice ten years old not fully told since nature gave me breath, My race is run, my thread spun, lo! here is fatal death. All men must die, and so must I;
In anguish of my heart replete wit… And wasting pains, which best my b… In tossing slumbers on my wakeful… Bedrenched with tears that flowed… Till nature had exhausted all her…
Another four I’ve left yet to bri… Of four times four the last Quate… The Winter, Summer, Autumn & the… In season all these Seasons I sha… Sweet Spring like man in his Mino…
The former four now ending their d… Ceasing to vaunt their good, or th… Lo other four step up, crave leave… The native qualityes that from the… But first they wisely shew’d their…