#Americans #Women
The former four now ending their d… Ceasing to vaunt their good, or th… Lo other four step up, crave leave… The native qualityes that from the… But first they wisely shew’d their…
By duty bound, and not by custome… To celebrate the praises of the de… My mournfull mind, sore prest, in… Presents my Lamentations at his H… Who was my Father, Guide, Instru…
As he said vanity, so vain say I, Oh! Vanity, O vain all under sky; Where is the man can say, “Lo, I… On brittle earth a consolation sou… What isn’t in honor to be set on h…
Thou ill-form’d offspring of my fe… Who after birth didst by my side r… Till snatched from thence by frien… Who thee abroad, expos’d to public… Made thee in raggs, halting to th’…
In my distress I sought the Lord When naught on earth could comfort… And when my soul these things abho… Then, Lord, Thou said’st unto me,… Thou knowest the sorrows that I f…
Most truly honoured, and as truly… If worth in me or ought I do appe… Who can of right better demand the… Than may your worthy self from who… The principal might yield a greate…
Proem. Although great Queen, thou now in… Yet thy loud Herald Fame, doth to… Thy wondrous worth proclaim, in ev… And so has vow’d, whilst there is…
Worthy art Thou, O Lord, of prai… But ah! It’s not in me. My sinking heart I pray Thee rais… So shall I give it Thee. My life as spider’s webb’s cut off…
The Fire, Air, Earth and water d… Which was the strongest, noblest a… Who was of greatest use and might’… In placide Terms they thought now… That in due order each her turn sh…
Alas, dear Mother, fairest Queen… With honour, wealth, and peace hap… What ails thee hang thy head, and… And sit i’ the dust to sigh these… What deluge of new woes thus over—…
Thou mighty God of Sea and Land, I here resigne into thy hand The Son of Prayers, of vowes, of… The child I stay’d for many yeare… Thou heard’st me then, and gav’st…
In silent night when rest I took For sorrow near I did not look I waked was with thund’ring noise And piteous shrieks of dreadful vo… That fearful sound of “Fire!” and…
My head, my heart, mine Eyes, my… My joy, my Magazine of earthly st… If two be one, as surely thou and… How stayest thou there, whilst I… So many steps, head from the heart…
Sometime now past in the Autumnal… When Phoebus wanted but one hour… The trees all richly clad, yet voi… Were gilded o’re by his rich golde… Their leaves and fruits seem’d pai…
What God is like to him I serve, What Saviour like to mine? O, never let me from thee swerue, For truly I am thine. My thankfull mouth shall speak thy…