I like her But she likes him I see thier eyes And thier grins Will she share
Treatments are not the same In a crowd full of people Achievements to blame Make us unequal So just go with your words
Two men went into the woods To make peace with the earth and w… The fire burned in the middle As they spoke to each other Then the secret was exposed
Can start with Difference Everything, you go with Same Do gets This but What remains.... Truth, do not wait
Sniff Sniff I’m really high Sniff Sniff Just to get by Drip Drip
If the sky is the limit And you have no fear Failure will give it To you in the rear So just go with what you got
Huhges questioned A dream deferred I read it Then my dream occurred Just do
What is skin? Does it hold the soul in? So we can be forgiven? Yeah, race doesn’t matter. Oh it does?!
If the sun had a brain And decided to go get some tea Would he know that Would be the end of me?
My bed makes my body ache And this cannot last. I made a huge mistake Thinking of the past. Swimming in a frozen lake,
Everyone starts out as green But hues change from what we’ve se… Cues that we bring, Thoughts that we string, As we lean,
Death come for all us All of us alike... So why are we concerned With color and height?
Back in the day Before I knew The way I would have gotten mad At what you
My finger dance over the page As my soul goes into my feet Her smile is like candy Oh so so sweet My friends tell me the truth
I saw you... You saw me I saw you Then God was born Helen