I punched a wall Then a built a house. I stepped on an ant. Then I saved a mouse. I cussed at my love
Darkness and light Fight for my days Yet the darkness is the Shadow that stays Not evil, not depression
Little signs are not good. We all seek boldness. Cofindence understood Is what control is. She seeks control
I write Not for tomorrow But for today Because tomorrow isn’t promised I promise
God loves us all And has the answer... But Why are some babies born with canc…
Fill your days with Productivity. Challenge your thoughts Through activities. It leads to spouts
The beginning is coming here Where we used to play Sometimes we would laugh Or walk all day Then our feet would rise from the…
My brain is on a Manual shift From the words that fall From your lips Come on now
Love is hard and makes us weak... So why is it so important for us t…
I can keep going Because we’re here to stand It’s all the same And we make plans Thank you
One An individual Totally unique One Earth
If the sky is the limit And you have no fear Failure will give it To you in the rear So just go with what you got
The grass is green and overgrown The sound machine is Out of tone It’s hard in this world Alone
In the worst time I always loose focus All these great lines How do I show this Can you rewind
Back in the day Before I knew The way I would have gotten mad At what you