William Wordsworth

Occasioned by the Battle of Waterloo February 1816

INTREPID sons of Albion! not by you
Is life despised; ah no, the spacious earth
Ne’er saw a race who held, by right of birth,
So many objects to which love is due:
Ye slight not life—to God and Nature true;
But death, becoming death, is dearer far,
When duty bids you bleed in open war:
Hence hath your prowess quelled that impious crew.
Heroes!—for instant sacrifice prepared;
Yet filled with ardour and on triumph bent
'Mid direst shocks of mortal accident—
To you who fell, and you whom slaughter spared
To guard the fallen, and consummate the event,
Your Country rears this sacred Monument!
Autres oeuvres par William Wordsworth...
