My family slept those level miles but like a bell rung deep till daw… I drove down an aisle of sound, nothing real but in the bell, past the town where I was born.
Day after day up there beating my… with all the softness truth requir… I feel them shrug whenever I paus… they class my voice among tentativ… And they credit fact, force, batte…
The only relics left are those lon… spangled seconds our school clock… when you crossed the social hall and we found each other alive, by our glances never to accept our…
We were alone one night on a long road in Montana. This was in wint… night, far to the stars. We had hi… my wife and I, and left our ride a… a crossing to go on. Tired and col…
At noon in the desert a panting li… waited for history, its elbows ten… watching the curve of a particular… as if something might happen. It was looking at something farthe…
Cold nights outside the taverns in… pickups and big semis lounge idlin… haunches twitch now and then in gu… their owners inside for hours, for… as they can the miles, the circlin…
We wondered what our walk should m… taking that un-march quietly; the sun stared at our signs—“Thou… Men by a tavern said, “Those fore… to a woman with a fur, who turned…
Wisdom is having things right in y… and knowing why. If you do not have things right in… you will be overwhelmed: you may be heroic, but you will no…
There’s a thread you follow. It g… things that change. But it doesn’t… People wonder about what you are p… You have to explain about the thre… But it is hard for others to see.
Ours are the streets where Bess f… cancer. She went to work every day… secure houses. At her job in the l… she arranged better and better flo… students asked for books her hand…
Sometimes up out of this land a legend begins to move. Is it a coming near of something under love? Love is of the earth only,
Setting a trotline after sundown if we went far enough away in the… sometimes up out of deep water would come a secret-headed channel… Eyes that were still eyes in the r…
Your exact errors make a music that nobody hears. Your straying feet find the great… walking alone. And you live on a world where stum…
I put my foot in cold water and hold it there: early mornings they had to wade through broken ic… to find the traps in the deep chan… with their hands, drag up the chai…
Turn Over Your Hand Those lines on your palm, they can… for a hidden part of your life tha… those links can say—nobody’s voice can find so tiny a message as come…