#Americans #XXCentury
Wisdom is having things right in y… and knowing why. If you do not have things right in… you will be overwhelmed: you may be heroic, but you will no…
All the Sioux were defeated. Our… got poor, but a few got richer. They fought two wars. I did not take part. No one remembers your v… or even your real name. Now
Day after day up there beating my… with all the softness truth requir… I feel them shrug whenever I paus… they class my voice among tentativ… And they credit fact, force, batte…
Remind me again—together we trace our strange journey, find each other, come on laughing. Some time we’ll cross where life ends. We’ll both look back
Setting a trotline after sundown if we went far enough away in the… sometimes up out of deep water would come a secret-headed channel… Eyes that were still eyes in the r…
Sometimes up out of this land a legend begins to move. Is it a coming near of something under love? Love is of the earth only,
Fog in the morning here will make some of the world far aw… and the near only a hint. But rain will feel its blind progress along… tapping to convert one boulder at…
Whispering to each handhold, “I’l… I go up the cliff in the dark. On… I loosen a rock and listen a long… till it hits, faint in the gulf, b… of the torrent almost drowns it ou…
Today outside your prison I stand and rattle my walking stick: Priso… you have relatives outside. And th… thousands of ways to escape. Years ago I bent my skill to keep…
Your exact errors make a music that nobody hears. Your straying feet find the great… walking alone. And you live on a world where stum…
Got up on a cool morning. Leaned… No cloud, no wind. Air that flowe… for awhile. Some dove somewhere. Been on probation most of my life.… the rest of my life been condemned…
The light by the barn that shines… pales at dawn when a little breeze… A little breeze comes breathing th… from their sleep and waking the sl… The slow windmill sings the long d…
I put my foot in cold water and hold it there: early mornings they had to wade through broken ic… to find the traps in the deep chan… with their hands, drag up the chai…
Once in Mexico an old man was leading on a string—was it a cat? And we saw it was a tarantula sidling along in the dust, writing a message from God for people who
The well rising without sound, the spring on a hillside, the plowshare brimming through dee… everywhere in the field— The sharp swallows in their swerve