Say, gentle Sleep! that lov’st th… Parent of dreams! thou great Magi… Whence my late vision thus endures… Thus haunts my fancy through the g… The silent moon had scaled the vau…
Now in the cowslip’s dewy cell The fairies make their bed, They hover round the crystal well, The turf in circles tread. The lovely linnet now her song
Urit spes animi credula mutui.-Ho… Imitation. Fond hope of a reciprocal desire Inflames the breast. ’Twas not by beauty’s aid alone
Servum si potes, Ole, non habere, Et regem potes, Ole, non habere.… ('If thou from Fortune dost no se… Believe me thou no master need’st… I ask’d a friend, amidst the thron…
What village but has sometimes see… The clumsy shape, the frightful mi… Tremendous claws, and shagged hair Of that grim brute yclept a bear? He from his dam the learn’d agree,
Go, tuneful bird! that gladd’st th… To Daphne’s window speed thy way, And there on quivering pinions ris… And there thy vocal art display. And if she deign thy notes to hear…
How pleas’d within my native bower… Erewhile I pass’d the day! Was ever scene so deck’d with flow… Were ever flowers so gay? How sweetly smil’d the hill, the v…
Hail curious Wights! to whom so f… The form of mortal flies is! Who deem those grubs beyond compar… Which common sense despises. Whether o’er hill, morass or mound…
My banks they are furnish’d with b… Whose murmur invites one to sleep; My grottos are shaded with trees, And my hills are white-over with s… I seldom have met with a loss,
DECLINING AN INVITAT… While others, lost to friendship,… Waste their best minutes on a fore… Be mine, with British nymph or sw… And court the Genius of my native…
How blithely pass’d the summer’s d… How bright was every flower! While friends arrived in circles g… To visit Damon’s bower! But now, with silent step I range
When first, Philander, first I ca… Where Avon rolls his winding stre… The nymphs, how brisk, the swains,… To see Asteria, queen of May! The parsons round her praises sung…
The fatal hours are wondrous near, That from these fountains bear my… A little space is given; in vain She robs my sight, and shuns the p… A little space, for me to prove
The western sky was purpled o’er With every pleasing ray; And flocks reviving felt no more The sultry heats of day; When from an hazel’s artless bower
O Memory! Celestial maid! Who glean’st the flowerets cropt b… And, suffering not a leaf to fade, Preserv’st the blossoms of our pri… Bring, bring those moments to my m…