Love is enough: through the troubl… From yesterday’s dawning to yester… I sought through the vales where t… Till, wearied and bleeding, at end… I met him, and we wrestled, and gr…
The Beasts that be In wood and waste, Now sit and see, Nor ride nor haste.
Hear a word, a word in season, for the day is drawing nigh, When the Cause shall call upon us… some to live, and some to die! He that dies shall not die lonely,
TRANSLATED FROM THE DAN… Hellelil sitteth in bower there, None knows my grief but God alone… And seweth at the seam so fair, I never wail my sorrow to any othe…
King’s daughter sitting in tower s… Fair summer is on many a shield. Why weepest thou as the clouds go… Fair sing the swans 'twixt firth a… Why weepest thou in the window-sea…
In Denmark gone is many a year, So fair upriseth the rim of the su… Two sons of Gorm the King there w… So grey is the sea when day is don… Both these were gotten in lawful b…
But therewith the sun rose upward… And the light flashed up to the he… But they twain arose together, and… And bathed in the light returning,… “All hail, O Day and thy Sons, a…
I am Day; I bring again Life and glory, Love and pain: Awake, arise! from death to death Through me the World’s tale quick…
Love is enough: though the World… And the woods have no voice but th… Though the sky be too dark for dim… The gold-cups and daisies fair blo… Though the hills be held shadows,…
Love is enough: while ye deemed hi… There were signs of his coming and… His touch it was that would bring… When the summer was deepest and mu… In his footsteps ye followed the d…
Spring went about the woods to-day… The soft-foot winter-thief, And found where idle sorrow lay ’Twixt flower and faded leaf. She looked on him, and found him f…
Winter in the world it is, Round about the unhoped kiss Whose dream I long have sorrowed… Round about the longing sore, That the touch of thee shall turn
A STORY FROM THE LAN… At Deildar-Tongue in the autumn-t… So many times over comes summer ag… Stood Odd of Tongue his door besi… What healing in summer if winter b…
Love is enough: ho ye who seek sav… Go no further; come hither; there… And these know the House of Fulfi… These know the Cup with the roses… These know the World’s Wound and…
Midst bitten mead and acre shorn, The world without is waste and wor… But here within our orchard-close, The guerdon of its labour shows. O valiant Earth, O happy year