What portents, from what distant r… Unseen till now in ours, the aston… In ages past, old Proteus, with h… Of sea-calves, sought the mountain… But now, descending whence of late…
Would my Delia know if I love, le… My last thought at night, and the… With my prayers and best wishes pr… Let her guess what I muse on, whe… I stride o’er the stubble each day…
Far from the world, O Lord, I fl… From strife and tumult far; From scenes where Satan wages sti… His most successful war. The calm retreat, the silent shade…
The Spirit breathes upon the word… And brings the truth to sight; Precepts and promises afford A sanctifying light. A glory gilds the sacred page,
The Saviour hides His face; My spirit thirsts to prove Renew’d supplies of pardoning grac… And never-fading love. The favor’d souls who know
Honor and happiness unite To make the Christian’s name a pr… How fair the scene, how clear the… That fills the remnant of His day… A kingly character He bears,
When the British warrior queen, Bleeding from the Roman rods, Sought, with an indignant mien, Counsel of her country’s gods, Sage beneath a spreading oak
The Lord will happiness divine On contrite hearts bestow; Then tell me, gracious God, is mi… A contrite heart or no? I hear, but seem to hear in vain,
Ah! wherefore should my weeping ma… Those gentle signs of undissembled… When from soft love proceeds the d… Ah, why forbid the willing tears t… Since for my sake each dear transl…
Beware, my friend! of crystal broo… Or fountain, lest that hideous hoo… Thy nose, thou chance to see; Narcissus’ fate would then be thin… And self-detested thou wouldst pin…
Breathe from the gentle south, O… And cheer me from the north; Blow on the treasures of thy word, And call the spices forth! I wish, Thou knowest, to be resig…
Take to thy bosom, gentle earth, a… With much hard labor in thy servic… He set the vines that clothe yon a… And he these olives that the vale… He fill’d with grain the glebe; th…
His master taken from his head, Elisha saw him go; And in desponding accents said, ‘Ah, what must Israel do?’ But he forgot the Lord who lifts
Oh that Pieria’s spring would thr… Pour its inspiring influence, and… No rill, but rather an o’erflowing… That, for my venerable Father’s s… All meaner themes renounced, my M…
Dear Lord! accept a sinful heart, Which of itself complains, And mourns, with much and frequent… The evil it contains. There fiery seeds of anger lurk,