Gagarin says, in ecstasy, he could have gone on forever he floated ate and sang
I stopped the car to let the children down where the streets end in the sun at the marsh edge
This is a schoolyard crowded with children of all ages near a village on a small stream
As the cat climbed over the top of the jamcloset first the right
beauty is a shell from the sea where she rules triumphant till love has had its way with her scallops and
Little round moon up there—wait awhile—do not walk so quickly. I could sing you a song—: Wine clear the sky is and the stars no bigger than sparks! Wait for me and next winter we’ll bui...
When I am alone I am happy. The air is cool. The sky is flecked and splashed and wound with color. The crimson phalloi of the sassafras leaves
You say love is this, love is that… Poplar tassels, willow tendrils the wind and the rain comb, tinkle and drip, tinkle and drip— branches drifting apart. Hagh!
The coroner’s merry little childre… Have such twinkling brown eyes. Their father is not of gay men And their mother jocular in no wis… Yet the coroner’s merry little chi…
Her body is not so white as anemone petals nor so smooth—nor so remote a thing. It is a field of the wild carrot taking thefield by force; the grass
The crowd at the ball game is moved uniformly by a spirit of uselessness which delights them— all the exciting detail
a trouble archaically fettered to produce E Pluribus Unum an island
School is over. It is too hot to walk at ease. At ease in light frocks they walk the stre… to while the time away. They have grown tall. They hold
If you had come away with me into another state we had been quiet together. But there the sun coming up out of the nothing beyond the lake…