Poor Jenny wer her Robert’s bride Two happy years, an’ then he died; An’ zoo the wold vo’k meaede her c… Vorseaeken, to her maiden hwome. But Jenny’s merry tongue wer dum’…
When in happy times we met, Then by look an’ deed I show’d, How my love wer all a-zet In the smiles that she bestow’d. She mid have, o’ left an’ right,
Ees: now mahogany’s the goo, An’ good wold English woak won’t… I wish vo’k always mid avvword Hot meals upon a woaken bwoard, As good as thik that took my cup
Green mwold on zummer bars do show That they’ve a-dripped in winter w… The hoof-worn ring o’ groun’ below The tree do tell o’ storms or het; The trees in rank along a ledge
Why, rain or sheen, or blow or sno… I zaid, if I could stand so’s, I’d come, vor all a friend or foe, To sheaeke ye by the hand, so’s; An’ spend, wi’ kinsvo’k near an’ d…
Last week the Browns ax’d nearly… The naighbours to a randy, An’ left us out o’t, girt an’ smal… Vor all we liv’d so handy; An’ zoo I zaid to Dick, “We’ll t…
THE PRIMRWOSE in the shade d… The cowslip in the zun, The thyme upon the down do grow, The clote where streams do run; An’ where do pretty maidens grow
In church at Grenley woone mid ze… A beam vrom wall to wall; a tree That’s longer than the church is w… An’ zoo woone end o’n’s drough out… Not cut off short, but bound all r…
Now the light o’ the west is a-tur… An’ the men be at hwome vrom groun… An’ the bells be a-zenden all down… From tower, their mwoansome sound. An’ the wind is still,
Ah! they vew zummers brought us ro… The happiest days that we’ve a-vou… When in the orcha’d, that did stra… To westward out avore the patch Ov high-bough’d wood, an’ shelve t…
An’ zoo you didden come athirt, To have zome fun last night: how w… Vor we’d a-work’d wi’ all our migh… To scour the iron things up bright… An’ brush’d an’ scrubb’d the house…
This is a darkish evenen; b’ye a-f… O’ zights? Theaese leaene’s a-hau… No, I be’nt much a-feaer’d. If vo… To over-reach me while they be ali… I don’t much think the dead wull h…
A new house! Ees, indeed! a small Straight, upstart thing, that, aft… Do teaeke in only half the groun’ The wold woone did avore 'twer dow… Wi’ little windows straight an’ fl…
The brook I left below the rank Ov alders that do sheaede his bank… A-runnen down to dreve the mill Below the knap, 's a runnen still; The creepen days an’ weeks do vill
Jean ax’d what ribbon she should w… ‘Ithin her bonnet to the feaeir? She had woone white, a-gi’ed her w… She stood at Meaery’s chrissenen; She had woone brown, she had woone…