John Oxenham

The High Things

   The Greatest Day that ever dawned,—
   It was a Winter’s Morn.
   The Finest Temple ever built
   Was a Shed where a Babe was born.
   The Sweetest Robes by woman wrought
   Were the Swaths by the Baby worn.
   And the Fairest Hair the world has seen,
  —Those Locks that were never shorn.
   The Noblest Crown man ever wore,—
   It was the Plaited Thorn.
   The Grandest Death man ever died,—
   It was the Death of Scorn.
   The Sorest Grief by woman known
   Was the Mother-Maid’s forlorn.
   The Deepest Sorrows e’er endured
   Were by The Outcast borne.
   The Truest Heart the world e’er broke
   Was the Heart by man’s sins torn.
Autres oeuvres par John Oxenham...
