John Oxenham

Shortened Lives

   To us it seemed his life was too soon done,
   Ended, indeed, while scarcely yet begun;
   God, with His clearer vision, saw that he
   Was ready for a larger ministry.
   Just so we thought of Him, whose life below
   Was so full-charged with bitterness and woe,
   Our clouded vision would have crowned Him King,
   He chose the lowly way of suffering.
   Remember, too, how short His life on earth,—
   But three-and-thirty years 'twixt death and birth.
   And of those years but three whereof we know,
   Yet those three years immortal seed did sow.
   It is not tale of years that tells the whole
   Of Man’s success or failure, but the soul
   He brings to them, the songs he sings to them,
   The steadfast gaze he fixes on the goal.
Autres oeuvres par John Oxenham...
