and their children
Everything he has ever been taught alerts him to avert that dancing f… What is it then that demands he mu… proceed towards his certain fiery… Some deep and ancient voice within
I met a man who told me that he’s looking for the way he might become more free, less encumbered in his life. Poor me, poor me, poor me;
I stole myself away from thee and me, for love of sweet Mary Jane.
You play your cards so well. Looks like you’ve had a lot of pra… You seem to have a thorough grasp of all the rules of the game. As you cover every angle,
Not so long ago I was convinced you were the culprit, the masked robber of my sacred trust.
I read such woeful words penned by a fallen brother; his message cut me deeply. He prayed to all that’s holy that he might cry again.
Late at night; another helter-skelter day, having flown off unexpectedly into alien domains of disarray. So many urgent moments
You think you know me, that figment dancing in your mind’… You think you understand me, that puppet dangling from imaginar… You believe you know what’s best f…
Time wears away at me, like water on a stone, oh, so slowly, but inevitably, drop by drop,
There ain’t no precious gold comin’ outa that there mountain, if all I wanna do is sit and dream of what I’ll do when I get some.
Forgiveness? Not on your life. My life was stolen from me. For what?
I am here now. I have removed my outer garments, placed my trust within your circle… I have come because you promised. You told me you would be here
I was seven years old. I approached the priest in earnest… “I want to take the lord Jesus in… He instructed me to kneel and pray… A week passed.
Been wasting away in this hovel for too many days to count; wishing, hoping, scheming, sometimes even praying, for any way to get out.
Who am i to bare my soul with thee… and challenge all that you believe… I share from deep within my being as if my father speaks through me. I see these words of love and merc…