Almost silent, A numbing hum. It is a cold cloudless night. A brilliant bone-white moon hovers amidst stars upon stars upon stars…
I stole myself away from thee and me, for love of sweet Mary Jane.
You think you know me, that figment dancing in your mind’… You think you understand me, that puppet dangling from imaginar… You believe you know what’s best f…
It was in those early days when everything seemed technicolor there was that explosion only inward then nothing
Weep for the fallen warriors. Weep for those souls considered collateral damage. Weep for the profiteers. Weep for the deserters.
The essence of night is her infinite darkness, that cannot be measured by space or in time. She’s as large or as small
Time wears away at me, like water on a stone, oh, so slowly, but inevitably, drop by drop,
Late at night; another helter-skelter day, having flown off unexpectedly into alien domains of disarray. So many urgent moments
Your unexpected words of kindness fell upon this desert dweller’s arid heart
Oh, knower of my heart, this trembling voice cries out in words that cannot begin to tell how deep my longing is for thee.
I hide here behind a genuine misbelief that I am special, I am different I and only I
My beloved, she has abandoned me. What’s left is a stark white canva… that repels application of hue or… Hopelessly, I gaze into the bleak… She is gone,
Who of you will follow where I’m bound to go? None that I can see. None that I can name. No-one that I know.
There’s a fearsome beast within, huddled tense and waiting, in the furthest corner of this brittle heart. It lies alert to any signal
Alone, in the same old crowd, trying to ignore this stifling pain. I am but