Beloved goddess, sweet holy mother of us all, you who beckon me throughout these hectic days
Is there any way I might touch yo… that doesn’t skim right off the su… of your exquisitely contrived vene… Is there a plea which I might utt… that would stir you from within?
Within this pilgrim’s soul exists a hungry beggar waif, who can never afford a moment of indifference or distraction. Alert to every aching nuance
I was addressed today in the secret silent language that everyone knows; except for me. It was assumed I’d know exactly
My father has come to dinner; He does not knock. He is not welcome. He is dead. Yet he insists on joining me
I cried again today, and I did not die. I even know why it is I cried today. Because the truth
Oh, knower of my heart, this trembling voice cries out in words that cannot begin to tell how deep my longing is for thee.
There’s a voice deep inside getting stronger every day. I cannot deny the message these urgent words proclaim. Why bother?
Sweet sultry muse, I declare this solemn oath before all that’s true and holy, that this earthly life and love are yours and yours alone,
Weep for the fallen warriors. Weep for those souls considered collateral damage. Weep for the profiteers. Weep for the deserters.
These words, gently laid upon this page, amount to my sincere prayer they reach within you, and touch your secret self,
It seems for ages, I have been trapped behind yet another version of what I want to think I know. I was so sure I loved you
A sudden gust of bitter wind from somewhere hot and foul, whooped and howled throughout the scattered waste and scrabble down that God-forsaken alley.
Time wears away at me, like water on a stone, oh, so slowly, but inevitably, drop by drop,
I gaze down now upon the cracked and battered shell of the fearsome fiery dragon that once held me in her sway. It’s remarkable just how frail