My garments have been stripped awa… along with any hope of tender merc… These feet made bare and sorely bl… It’s time again to bear your earth… Still it seems you know not what y…
It seems the only way to reach the mountain-top, is through the desert wasteland. It is only there that one might come to learn
I’m not angry with you. I am hurting, and as usual, I don’t know why. I don’t know why I cry
Late at night; another helter-skelter day, having flown off unexpectedly into alien domains of disarray. So many urgent moments
Is there any way I might touch yo… that doesn’t skim right off the su… of your exquisitely contrived vene… Is there a plea which I might utt… that would stir you from within?
Oh, knower of my heart, this trembling voice cries out in words that cannot begin to tell how deep my longing is for thee.
Not so long ago I was convinced you were the culprit, the masked robber of my sacred trust.
There’s a fearsome beast within, huddled tense and waiting, in the furthest corner of this brittle heart. It lies alert to any signal
There ain’t no precious gold comin’ outa that there mountain, if all I wanna do is sit and dream of what I’ll do when I get some.
You play your cards so well. Looks like you’ve had a lot of pra… You seem to have a thorough grasp of all the rules of the game. As you cover every angle,
I was seven years old. I approached the priest in earnest… “I want to take the lord Jesus in… He instructed me to kneel and pray… A week passed.
I humbly bow before your tender me… for no other reason than I’m sorry… As I listen to my old pal, Leonar… crooning out his holy tunes, there’s a message sounding clear
If I could steal you out of time, there would be no place to hide. I would finish what was started when you left me here to die. It’s not vengeance which I seek,
Time wears away at me, like water on a stone, oh, so slowly, but inevitably, drop by drop,
Here he comes again, riding tall upon his hellish steed… Dead eyes red, charging straight towards me. No joy in that demonic laugh,