Time wears away at me, like water on a stone, oh, so slowly, but inevitably, drop by drop,
Almost silent, A numbing hum. It is a cold cloudless night. A brilliant bone-white moon hovers amidst stars upon stars upon stars…
There ain’t no precious gold comin’ outa that there mountain, if all I wanna do is sit and dream of what I’ll do when I get some.
I see no reason now to disguise this naked heart and soul of mine. You can hide there
I’m not really here right now. I can only be here when no-one’s a… and I know no-one can see me. Even when i speak to you, I’m sort of not really here.
I come to the village well today, though without a need to drink. My worldly thirst now quenched, with home and hearth supplied. I am here to fill a deeper vessel
Not a poem. I hurt; like a Frankenstein monster. Iron fist. Unrelenting.
You play your cards so well. Looks like you’ve had a lot of pra… You seem to have a thorough grasp of all the rules of the game. As you cover every angle,
Been wasting away in this hovel for too many days to count; wishing, hoping, scheming, sometimes even praying, for any way to get out.
Sometimes I worry what you’ll thi… about these words I spew upon this… Not often. Not for very long. What of the form and structure?
I was seven years old. I approached the priest in earnest… “I want to take the lord Jesus in… He instructed me to kneel and pray… A week passed.
It is me. I am stripped down to my most naked intentions; having worn so many coats and less than noble guises.
For those who only know oasis it must be difficult to fathom another way of life beyond the wal… amidst the shifting dunes. Those that follow gypsy trails
My father has come to dinner; He does not knock. He is not welcome. He is dead. Yet he insists on joining me
There’s a voice deep inside getting stronger every day. I cannot deny the message these urgent words proclaim. Why bother?