I read such woeful words penned by a fallen brother; his message cut me deeply. He prayed to all that’s holy that he might cry again.
Within this pilgrim’s soul exists a hungry beggar waif, who can never afford a moment of indifference or distraction. Alert to every aching nuance
Seems no way out, but deep within. There’s a resonant voice calling from the depths of my being; I am not what you imagine me to be…
No words of wisdom. No clever rhymes. Not this day. Something heavy weighs me down.
How does a landed mariner ever tell a living soul about the exquisite rapture of the sultry siren’s song ? As it echoed through the mist,
Not a poem. I hurt; like a Frankenstein monster. Iron fist. Unrelenting.
Who’s gonna throw my pitiful ashes into the holy mother Ganges? Who’s gonna hold it as their sacre… Who’s gonna know the need for this… I’ve seen so many nameless shadows
The essence of night is her infinite darkness, that cannot be measured by space or in time. She’s as large or as small
Late at night; another helter-skelter day, having flown off unexpectedly into alien domains of disarray. So many urgent moments
“Don’t say anything!” spoke the shadow in the doorway. I was seven years of age. I lay limp upon the couch, still recovering from
Come out, come out, wherever you are. I know you’re in here. You dirty little secret.
He’s been around the block and even toured the world, with scars upon scars to show from many a hard-fought battle. Yet like many old dogs
I was addressed today in the secret silent language that everyone knows; except for me. It was assumed I’d know exactly
I hold truth as the highest princi… I am a liar. I value honesty over all else. I am a thief. I expect integrity from you.
These words, are just what they’re meant to be; for you, whatever needs they serve to stir… For me;