Beloved goddess, sweet holy mother of us all, you who beckon me throughout these hectic days
Listen. There it is. The hum of perfect silence at the centre of all that is, and isn’t.
Some time ago, I made my way down to the crossroads, to try my lucky hand at the devil’s gaming tables.
Weep for the fallen warriors. Weep for those souls considered collateral damage. Weep for the profiteers. Weep for the deserters.
I am here now. I have removed my outer garments, placed my trust within your circle… I have come because you promised. You told me you would be here
I am crying now. I don’t know why. Am I supposed to know why it is I cry ? Though I always feel
My bucket had a hole in it. I kept trying to fill it. The more I tried, the more flowed down the drain. It wasn’t for lack of what was nee…
Alone, in the same old crowd, trying to ignore this stifling pain. I am but
You play your cards so well. Looks like you’ve had a lot of pra… You seem to have a thorough grasp of all the rules of the game. As you cover every angle,
Your unexpected words of kindness fell upon this desert dweller’s arid heart
Hello, can you see me here? Please, might you stop awhile. I am the one you pass by daily as you hurry homeward bound. I am that one who’s least of us.
The old man, who thinks he’s dying, approached me with these words. I am sorry
The storm is brewing. I smell it in the air. I am panicking. I fear this tempest might cost my life.
How does a landed mariner ever tell a living soul about the exquisite rapture of the sultry siren’s song ? As it echoed through the mist,
These words, are just what they’re meant to be; for you, whatever needs they serve to stir… For me;