Within this pilgrim’s soul exists a hungry beggar waif, who can never afford a moment of indifference or distraction. Alert to every aching nuance
The old priest gazes out upon his… each head bowed before the sacred… A scarred and broken bodied warrio… seeking inner peace and final abso… An elderly wealthy man of commerce…
I come to the village well today, though without a need to drink. My worldly thirst now quenched, with home and hearth supplied. I am here to fill a deeper vessel
My bucket had a hole in it. I kept trying to fill it. The more I tried, the more flowed down the drain. It wasn’t for lack of what was nee…
Time wears away at me, like water on a stone, oh, so slowly, but inevitably, drop by drop,
I am your greatest grandmother calling softly on the ocean winds. I was never lost to you forever, only swallowed by the other half o… Come down with me to the quiet pla…
I read such woeful words penned by a fallen brother; his message cut me deeply. He prayed to all that’s holy that he might cry again.
No words of wisdom. No clever rhymes. Not this day. Something heavy weighs me down.
If I could steal you out of time, there would be no place to hide. I would finish what was started when you left me here to die. It’s not vengeance which I seek,
Here he comes again, riding tall upon his hellish steed… Dead eyes red, charging straight towards me. No joy in that demonic laugh,
Water ever seeks it’s perfect peace, from mountain heights to scattered oceans deep. So too our spirit follows
I am seven years old. My brother is ten. The beating was brutal. My brother is recovering conscious… I believed he was dead.
I see no reason now to disguise this naked heart and soul of mine. You can hide there
I came to bless you with the mystery, and shine my light on you. I did not know you could not risk the light,
Listen. There it is. The hum of perfect silence at the centre of all that is, and isn’t.