How are you? The maiden turned and whispered soft, her turquoise eyes as deep as time.
Weep for the fallen warriors. Weep for those souls considered collateral damage. Weep for the profiteers. Weep for the deserters.
I read such woeful words penned by a fallen brother; his message cut me deeply. He prayed to all that’s holy that he might cry again.
Everything he has ever been taught alerts him to avert that dancing f… What is it then that demands he mu… proceed towards his certain fiery… Some deep and ancient voice within
The old priest gazes out upon his… each head bowed before the sacred… A scarred and broken bodied warrio… seeking inner peace and final abso… An elderly wealthy man of commerce…
Why are you here ? Where did you come from ? Why have i been cursed with one so radiant and true ? There’s no time for your curious m…
Time wears away at me, like water on a stone, oh, so slowly, but inevitably, drop by drop,
I was surrounded by many desperate, troubled people. There was much drinking, drugging, and violence. Women were being bought and sold,
Who am i to bare my soul with thee… and challenge all that you believe… I share from deep within my being as if my father speaks through me. I see these words of love and merc…
I saw him for the first time ever; the one who stole my soul away. He appeared in a dream. I had never seem him before, yet no doubt it was him.
Something whispers, certainly not nothing. A subtle impetus to choose to stir and rise
Listen. There it is. The hum of perfect silence at the centre of all that is, and isn’t.
Who of you will follow where I’m bound to go? None that I can see. None that I can name. No-one that I know.
I see no reason now to disguise this naked heart and soul of mine. You can hide there
Oh, knower of my heart, this trembling voice cries out in words that cannot begin to tell how deep my longing is for thee.