She seemed to change as if with a… And growing serious sighed, ‘Now… ‘You think me a mad woman and unki… But that is nonsense. I am sound… And not unsound of heart, ah, no,…
Jewelled offering bring I none, Jade or pearl or precious stone, Urn of crystal, bale of spice, Unguent culled in Paradise, Dye how deep of rainbow hue,
Away! Away! Away with her, young… Away with her in haste lest dawn s… If that her kinsmen should thy dee… Ill might it fare with thee for he… Away with her to thine own palace…
Thus was my soul enfranchised. Bu… With courage fired to full—fledged… And pushing still the vantage I h… I sought communion with a world le… The living world. I mixed with no…
THE LIMIT OF HUMAN KNO… There is a vice in the world’s rea… Has conquered knowledge. He has c… He has traced out the universal pl… Of the Earth’s being; and in this…
Nor yet in vain. For to him throu… Behold, 'mid herald whispers of he… And laughing eyes and welcome hand… Natalia’s self behind her husband… Her face arrayed in smiles, as who…
Yet it is pitiful how friendships… Spite of our oaths eternal and hig… Some fall through blight of tongue… Some through strifes loud in empty… Some vanish with fame got too glor…
For thus it is. You flout at king… To—morrow in your pride you shall… To a new tyrant who shall come you… And serve him meekly with mock—ser… While the world laughs. I shall n…
A FOREST IN BOSNIA Spirit of Trajan! What a world is… What remnant of old Europe in thi… Of life primaeval rude as in the y… When thy first legions by the Dan…
For Esther was a woman most compl… In all her ways of loving. And wi… Dealt as one deals who careless of… And rich in all things is of all t… She did not stop with me to feel h…
BRAVE as a falcon and as mercile… With bright eyes watching still th… I saw thee pass in thy lone majest… Untamed, unmated, high above the p… The dull crowd gazed at thee. It…
ON HER WAYWARDNESS This is rank slavery. It better w… To till the thankless earth with s… Following dull oxen 'neath a goad… To a boor’s grave agape behind the…
An old heart’s mourning is a hideo… And weeds upon an aged weeper clin… Like night upon a grave. The city… Gaunt as a woman who has once been… Lay black with winter, and the sil…
THE SAME CONTINUED Thy ways were not my ways. Thy li… And mine has been a battle. Thou… Thy soul’s wealth sternly to a sur… And thy revenue’s much still swell…
Oh many, many thus have died, alas… Children, poor things! The grave… Some flowers must still be mown do… And in life’s wild quadrille the d… Must trample here and there a weak…