For Esther was a woman most compl… In all her ways of loving. And wi… Dealt as one deals who careless of… And rich in all things is of all t… She did not stop with me to feel h…
THE LIMIT OF HUMAN KNO… There is a vice in the world’s rea… Has conquered knowledge. He has c… He has traced out the universal pl… Of the Earth’s being; and in this…
I had been an hour at Lyons. My b… Fast when I think of it. An hour,… I trod those streets and listened… The mirth, the music, and the city… And found no sermon for me in her…
Who shall declare the glory of the… The natural World before Man’s fo… Fair stainless planet through the… And clothed in garments of immorta… What depths of forest girt her! W…
Thus it began with laughter. But… The ox—eyed queen, who had resumed… The tale of her perfections one by… Turned by some ominous chance towa… Where we two stood. ‘And take goo…
Ah, Paris, Paris! What an echo r… Still in those syllables of vain d… What voice of what dead pleasures… Of Maenad laughters pulsing throu… How bravely her streets smile on m…
To Switzerland, the land of lakes… And ancient freedom of ancestral t… And modern innkeepers, who cringe… And venal echoes, and Pans paid t… See, I am come. And here in viney…
The booths were shut. The Fair wa… And the crowd gone with multitudin… Noisily home, or lingering still t… At Café doors or at the turn of t… In twos and threes its laughter wi…
Unruly tenant of my heart, Full fain would I be quit of thee… I’ve played too long a losing part… Thou bringest me neither gold nor… ’Tis time thou shouldst thy holdin…
When is life other than a tragedy, Whether it is played in tears from… In sable robes and grief’s mute pa… For loves that died ere they had e… Or whether on the edge of joys set…
Behold, this hour I love, as in t… I too, the accursèd one, whom gri… Like phantoms through a land of de… Have felt my heart leap up with co… Behold, I love. The tragedy of ha…
THE SAME CONTINUED We planted love, and lo it bred a… Of lusts and vanities and senseles… We planted love, and you have gath… Of every bitter herb which fills a…
Who has not seen the falls of Tiv… The rocks, the foam—white water, a… Fair ruined temples which adorn th… Who has not sat and listened to th… Sweet melody of blackbirds, and th…
Sublime discussions! Let who will… These are the things that touch us… The logic of all beauty is surpris… The reason of all love the unseen… Still as they argued on of this an…
THE SAME CONTINUED Old memories are sweet, but these… And smart like wounds yet green.… Which, for the cause that it was d… In days which counted upon greater…