Sir Walter Scott

The Lord of the Isles: Canto V.

On fair Loch-Ranza stream’d the early day,
Thin wreaths of cottage-smoke are upward curl’d
From the lone hamlet, which her inland bay
And circling mountains sever from the world.
And there the fisherman his sail unfurl’d,
The goat-herd drove his kids to steep Ben-Ghoil,
Before the hut the dame her spindle twirl’d,
Courting the sunbeam as she plied her toil, -
For, wake where’er he may, Man wakes to care and coil.
But other duties call’d each convent maid,
Roused by the summons of the moss-grown bell;
Sung were the matins, and the mass was said,
And every sister sought her separate cell,
Such was the rule, her rosary to tell.
And Isabel has knelt in lonely prayer;
The sunbeam, through the narrow lattice, fell
Upon the snowy neck and long dark hair,
As stoop’d her gentle head in meek devotion there.
She raised her eyes, that duty done,
When glanced upon the pavement-stone,
Gemm’d and enchased, a golden ring,
Bound to a scroll with silken string,
With few brief words inscribed to tell,
‘This for the Lady Isabel.’
Within, the writing farther bore,-
‘Twas with this ring his plight he swore,
With this his promise I restore;
To her who can the heart command,
Well may I yield the plighted hand.
And O! for better fortune born,
Grudge not a passing sigh to mourn
Her who was Edith once of Lorn!’
One single flash of glad surprise
Just glanced from Isabel’s dark eyes,
But vanish’d in the blush of shame,
That, as its penance, instant came.
‘O thought unworthy of my race!
Selfish, ungenerous, mean, and base,
A moment’s throb of joy to own,
That rose upon her hopes o’erthrown!-
Thou pledge of vows too well believed,
Of man ingrate and maid deceived,
Think not thy lustre here shall gain
Another heart to hope in vain!
For thou shalt rest, thou tempting gaud,
Where worldly thoughts are overawed,
And worldly splendours sink debased.’
Then by the cross the ring she placed.
Next rose the thought, - its owner far,
How came it here through bolt and bar?-
But the dim lattice is ajar.-
She looks abroad,—the morning dew
A light short step had brush’d anew,
And there were footprints seen
On the carved buttress rising still,
Till on the mossy window-sill
Their track effaced the green.
The ivy twigs were torn and fray’d,
As if some climber’s steps to aid.-
But who the hardy messenger,
Whose venturous path these signs infer?-
Strange doubts are mine! - Mona, draw nigh;
—Nought 'scapes old Mona’s curious eye–
What strangers, gentle mother, say,
Have sought these holy walls to-day?’
‘None, Lady, none of note or name;
Only your brother’s foot-page came,
At peep of dawn - I pray’d him pass
To chapel where they said the mass;
But like an arrow he shot by,
And tears seem’d bursting from his eye.’
The truth at once on Isabel,
As darted by a sunbeam fell:
‘Tis Edith’s self! - her speechless woe,
Her form, her looks, the secret show!
—Instant, good Mona, to the bay,
And to my royal brother say,
I do conjure him seek my cell,
With that mute page he loves so well.' -
‘What! know’st thou not his warlike host
My old eyes saw them from the tower.
At eve they couch’d in greenwood bower,
At dawn a bugle signal, made
By their bold Lord, their ranks array’d;
Up sprung the spears through bush and tree,
No time for benedicite!
Like deer, that, rousing from their lair,
Just shake the dewdrops from their hair,
And toss their armed crests aloft,
Such matins theirs!' - ‘Good mother, soft–
Where does my brother bend his way?’-
‘As I have heard, for Brodick-Bay,
Across the isle - of barks a score
Lie there, ’tis said, to waft them o’er,
On sudden news, to Carrick-shore.'-
‘If such their purpose, deep the need,’
Said anxious Isabel, ‘of speed!
Call Father Augustine, good dame.’-
The nun obey’d, the Father came.
‘Kind Father, hie without delay,
Across the hills to Brodick-Bay.
This message to the Bruce be given;
I pray him, by his hopes of Heaven,
That, till he speak with me, he stay!
Or, if his haste brook no delay,
That he deliver, on my suit,
Into thy charge that stripling mute.
Thus prays his sister Isabel,
For causes more than she may tell–
Away, good Father! and take heed,
That life and death are on thy speed.’
His cowl the good old priest did on,
Took his piked staff and sandall’d shoon,
And, like a palmer bent by eld,
O’er moss and moor his journey held.
Heavy and dull the foot of age,
And rugged was the pilgrimage;
But none was there beside, whose care
Might such important message bear.
Through birchen copse he wander’d slow,
Stunted and sapless, thin and low;
By many a mountain stream he pass’d,
From the tall cliffs in tumult cast,
Dashing to foam their waters dun,
And sparkling in the summer sun.
Round his grey head the wild curlew
In many a fearless circle flew.
O’er chasms he pass’d, where fractures wide
Craved wary eye and ample stride;
He cross’d his brow beside the stone,
Where Druids erst heard victims groan,
And at the cairns upon the wild,
O’er many a heathen hero piled,
He breathed a timid prayer for those
Who died ere Shiloh’s sun arose.
Beside Macfarlane’s Cross he staid,
There told his hours within the shade,
And at the stream his thirst allay’d.
Thence onward journeying slowly still,
As evening closed he reach’d the hill,
Where, rising through the woodland green,
Old Brodick’s gothic towers were seen,
From Hastings, late their English lord,
Douglas had won them by the sword.
The sun that sunk behind the isle,
Now tined them with a parting smile.
But though the beams of light decay,
’Twas bustle all in Brodick-Bay.
The Bruce’s followers crowd the shore,
And boats and barges some unmoor,
Some raise the sail, some seize the oar;
Their eyes oft turn’d where glimmer’d far
What might have seem’d an early star
On heaven’s blue arch, save that its light
Was all too flickering, fierce, and bright.
Far distant in the south, the ray
Shone pale amid retiring day,
But as, on Carrick shore,
Dim seen in outline faintly blue,
The shades of evening closer drew,
It kindled more and more.
The monk’s slow steps now press the sands,
And now amid a scene he stands,
Full strange to churchman’s eye;
Warriors, who, arming for the fight,
Rivet and clasp their harness light,
And twinkling spears, and axes bright,
And helmets flashing high.
Oft, too, with unaccustom’d ears,
A language much unmeet he hears,
While, hastening all on board,
As stormy as the swelling surge
That mix’d its roar, the leaders urge
Their followers to the ocean verge,
With many a haughty word.
Through that wild throng the Father pass’d,
And reach’d the Royal Bruce at last.
He leant against a stranded boat,
That the approaching tide must float,
And counted every rippling wave,
As higher yet her sides they lave,
And oft the distant fire he eyed,
And closer yet his hauberk tied,
And loosen’d in his sheath his brand.
Edward and Lennox were at hand,
Douglas and Ronald had the care
The soldiers to the barks to share.-
The monk approach’d and homage paid;
‘And art thou come,’ King Robert said,
‘So far to bless us ere we part?’-
-'My Liege, and with a loyal heart!-
But other charge I have to tell,'-
And spoke the hest of Isabel.
-'Now by Saint Giles,' the Monarch cried,
‘This moves me much! - this morning tide,
I spent the stripling to Saint Bride,
With my commandment there to bide.’
-'Thither he came the portress show’d,
But there, my Liege, made brief abode.'-
‘Twas I,’ said Edward, 'found employ
Of nobler import for the boy.
Deep pondering in my anxious mind,
A fitting messenger to find,
To bear thy written mandate o’er
To Cuthbert on the Carrick shore,
I chanced, at early dawn, to pass
The chapel gate to snatch a mass.
I found the stripling on a tomb
Low-seated, weeping for the doom
That gave his youth to convent gloom.
I told my purpose, and his eyes
Flash’d joyful at the glad surprise.
He bounded to the skiff, the sail
Was spread before a prosperous gale,
And well my charge he hath obey’d;
For, see! the ruddy signal made,
That Clifford with his merry-men all,
Guards carelessly our father’s hall.'-
‘O wild of thought, and hard of heart!’
Answer’d the Monarch, 'on a part
Of such deep danger to employ
A mute, an orphan, and a boy!
Unfit for flight, unfit for strife,
Without a tongue to plead for life!
Now, were my right restored by Heaven,
Edward, my crown I would have given,
Ere, thrust on such adventure wild,
I perill’d thus the helpless child.'-
—Offended half, and half submiss,—
‘Brother and Liege, of blame like this,’
Edward replied, 'I little dream’d.
A stranger messenger, I deem’d,
Might safest seek the beadsman’s cell,
Where all thy squires are known so well.
Noteless his presence, sharp his sense,
His imperfection his defence.
If seen, none can his errand guess;
If ta’en, his words no tale express–
Methinks, too, yonder beacon’s shine
Might expatiate greater fault than mine.'-
‘Rash,’ said King Robert, ‘was the deed–
But it is done. Embark with speed!-
Good Father, say to Isabel
How this unhappy chance befell;
If well we thrive on yonder shore,
Soon shall my care her page restore.
Our greeting to our sister bear,
And think of us in mass and prayer.’
‘Aye!’ - said the priest, 'while this poor hand
Can chalice raise or cross command,
While my old voice has accents’ use,
Can Augustine forget the Bruce!’
Then to his side Lord Ronald press’d,
And whisper’d, 'Bear thou this request,
That when by Bruce’s side I fight,
For Scotland’s crown and Freedom’s right,
The princess grace her knight to bear
Some token of her favouring care;
It shall be shown where England’s best
May shrink to see it on my crest.
And for the boy - since weightier care
For Royal Bruce the times prepare,
The helpless youth is Ronald’s charge,
His couch my plaid, his fence my targe.’
He ceased; for many an eager hand
Had urged the barges from the strand.
Their number was a score and ten,
They bore thrice threescore chosen men.
With such small force did Bruce at last
The die for death or empire cast!
Now on the darkening main afloat,
Ready and mann’d rocks every boat;
Beneath their oars the ocean’s might
Was dash’d to sparks of glimmering light.
Faint and more faint, as off they bore,
Their armour glanced against the shore,
And, mingled with the dashing tide,
Their murmuring voices distant died.-
‘God speed them!’ said the Priest, as dark
On distant billows glides each bark;
‘O Heaven! when swords for freedom shine,
And monarch’s right, the cause is thine!
Edge doubly every patriot blow!
Beat down the banners of the foe!
And be it to the nations known,
That Victory is from God alone!’
As up the hill his path he drew,
He turn’d his blessings to renew,
Oft turn’d, till on the darken’d coast
All traces of their course were lost;
Then slowly bent to Brodick tower,
To shelter for the evening hour.
In night the fairy prospects sink,
Where Cumray’s isles with verdant link
Close the fair entrance of the Clyde;
The woods of Bute, no more descried,
Are gone - and on the placid sea
The rowers ply their task with glee,
Impatient aid the labouring oar.
The half-faced moon shone dim and pale,
And glanced against the whiten’d sail;
But on that ruddy beacon-light
Each steersman kept the helm aright,
And oft, for such the King’s command,
That all at once might reach the strand,
From boat to boat loud shout and hail
Warn’d them to crowd or slacken sail.
South and by west the armada bore,
And near at length the Carrick shore.
As less and less the distance grows,
High and more high the beacon rose;
The light, that seem’d a twinkling star,
Now blazed portentous, fierce, and far.
Dark-red the heaven above it glow’d
Dark-red the sea beneath it flow’d,
Red rose the rocks on ocean’s brim,
In blood-red light her islets swim;
Wild scream the dazzled sea-fowl gave,
Dropp’d from their crags on plashing wave.
The deer to distant covert drew,
The black-cock deem’d it day, and crew.
Like some tall castle given to flame,
O’er half the land the lustre came.
‘Now, good my Liege, and brother sage,
What think ye of mine elfin page?’-
‘Row on!’ the noble King replied,
‘We’ll learn the truth whate’er betide;
Yet sure the beadsman and the child
Could ne’er have waked that beacon wild.’
With that the boats approach’d the land,
But Edward’s grounded on the sand;
The eager Knight leap’d in the sea
Waist-deep and first on shore was he,
Though every barge’s hardy band
Contended which should gain the land,
When that strange light, which, seen afar,
Seem’d steady as the polar star,
Now, like a prophet’s fiery chair,
Wide o’er the sky the splendour glows,
As that portentous meteor rose;
Helm, axe, and falchion glitter’d bright,
And in the red and dusk light
His comrade’s face each warrior saw,
Nor marvell’d it was pale with awe.
Then high in air the beams were lost,
And darkness sunk upon the coast.-
Ronald to Heaven a prayer address’d,
And Douglas cross’d his dauntless breast;
‘Saint James protect us!’ Lennox cried,
But reckless Edward spoke aside,
‘Deem’st thou, Kirkpatrick, in that flame
Red Comyn’s angry spirit came,
Or would thy dauntless heart endure
Once more to make assurance sure?'-
‘Hush!’ said the Bruce; 'we soon shall know,
If this be sorcerer’s empty show,
Or stratagem of southern foe.
The moon shines out - upon the sand
Let every leader rank his band.’
Faintly the moon’s pale beams supply
That ruddy light’s unnatural dye;
The dubious cold reflection lay
On the wet sands and quiet bay.
Beneath the rocks King Robert drew
His scatter’d files to order due,
Till shield compact and serried spear
In the cool light shone blue and clear.
Then down a path that sought the tide,
That speechless page was seen to glide;
He knelt him lowly on the sand,
And gave a scroll to Robert’s hand.
‘A torch,’ the Monarch cried, 'What, ho!
Now shall we Cuthbert’s tidings know.’
But evil news the letters bear,
The Clifford’s force was strong and ware,
Augmented, too, that very morn,
By mountaineers who came with Lorn.
Long harrow’d by oppressor’s hand,
Courage and faith had fled the land,
And over Carrick, dark and deep,
Had sunk dejection’s iron sleep.-
Cuthbert had seen that beacon flame,
Unwitting from what source it came.
Doubtful of perilous event,
Edward’s mute messenger he sent,
If Bruce deceived should venture o’er,
To warn him from the fatal shore.
As round the torch the leaders crowd,
Bruce read these chilling news aloud.
‘What counsel, nobles, have we now?-
To ambush us in greenwood bough,
And take the chance which fate may send
To bring our enterprise to end?
Or shall we turn us to the main
As exiles, and embark again?’-
Answer’d fierce Edward, 'Hap what may;
In Carrick, Carrick’s Lord must stay.
I would not minstrels told the tale,
Wildfire or meteor made us quail.’
Answer’d the Douglas - ‘If my Liege
May win yon walls by storm or siege,
Then were each brave and patriot heart
Kindled of new for loyal part.’-
Answer’d Lord Ronald, ‘Not for shame
Would I that aged Torquil came,
And found, for all our empty boast,
Without a blow we fled the coast.
I will not credit that this land,
So famed for warlike heart and hand,
The nurse of Wallace and of Bruce,
Will long with tyrants hold a truce.’-
‘Prove we our fate - the brunt we’ll bide!’
So Boyd and Haye and Lennox cried;
So said, so vow’d, the leaders all;
So Bruce resolved: 'And in my hall
Since the Bold Southern make their home,
The hour of payment soon shall come,
When with a rough and rugged host
Clifford may reckon to his cost.
Meantime, through well-known bosk and dell,
I’ll lead where we may shelter well.’
Now ask you whence that wondrous light,
Whose fairy glow beguil’d their sight?-
It ne’er was known - yet grey-hair’d eld
A superstitious credence held,
That never did a mortal hand
Wake its broad glare on Carrick strand;
Nay, and that on the self-same night
When Bruce cross’d o’er, still gleams the light.
Yearly it gleams o’er mount and moor,
And glittering wave and crimson’d shore -
But whether beam celestial, lent
By Heaven to aid the King’s descent,
Or fire hell-kindled from beneath,
To lure him to defeat and death,
Or were it but some meteor strange,
Of such as oft through midnight range,
Startling the traveller late and lone,
I know not - and it ne’er was known.
Now up the rocky pass they drew,
And Ronald, to his promise true,
Still made his arm the stripling’s stay,
To aid him on the rugged way.
‘Now cheer thee, simple Amadine!
Why throbs that silly heart of thine?’-
—That name the pirates to their slave
(In Gaelic ’tis the Changeling) gave -
‘Dost thou not rest thee on my arm?
Do not my plaid-folds hold thee warm?
Hath not the wild bull’s treble hide
This targe for thee and me supplied?
Is not Clan-Colla’s sword of steel?
And, trembler, canst thou terror feel?
Cheer thee, and still that throbbing heart;
From Ronald’s guard thou shalt not part.’
—O! many a shaft, at random spoken,
May soothe or wound a heart that’s broken!
Half sooth’d, half grieved, half terrified,
Close drew the page to Ronald’s side;
A wild delirious thrill of joy
Was in that hour of agony,
As up the steepy path he strove,
Fear, toil, and sorrow, lost in love!
The barrier of that iron shore,
The rock’s steep ledge, is now climb’d o’er;
And from the castle’s distant wall,
From tower to tower the warders call;
The sound wings over land and sea,
And marks a watchful enemy.-
They gain’d the Chase, a wide domain
Left for the castle’s silvan reign,
(Seek not the scene - the axe, the plough,
The boor’s dull fence, have marr’d it now,)
But then, soft swept in velvet green
The plain with many a glade between,
Whose tangled alleys far invade
The depth of the brown forest shade.
Here the tall fern obscured the lawn,
Fair shelter for the sportive fawn;
There, tufted close with copsewood green,
Was many a swelling hillock seen;
And all around was verdure meet
For pressure of the fairies’ feet.
The glossy holly loved the park,
The yew-tree lent its shadow dark,
And many an old oak, worn and bare,
With all its shiver’d boughs was there.
Lovely between, the moonbeams fell
On lawn and hillock, glade and dell.
The gallant Monarch sigh’d to see
These glades to loved in childhood free,
Bethinking that, as outlaw now,
He ranged beneath the forest bough.
Fast o’er the moonlight Chase they sped.
Well knew the band that measured tread,
When, in retreat or in advance,
The serried warriors move at once;
And evil were the luck, if dawn
Descried them on the open lawn.
Copses they traverse, brooks they cross,
Strain up the bank and o’er the moss.
From the exhausted page’s brow
Cold drops of toil are streaming now;
With effort faint and lengthen’d pause,
His wearied step the stripling draws.
‘Nay, droop not yet!’ the warrior said;
‘Come, let me give thee ease and aid!
Strong are mine arms, and little care
A weight so slight as thine to bear.-
What! wilt thou not?– capricious boy!–
Pass but this night, and pass thy care,
I’ll place thee with a lady fair,
Where thou shalt tune thy lute to tell
How Ronald loves fair Isabel!’
Worn out, dishearten’d, and dismay’d,
Here Amadine let go the plaid.
His trembling limbs their aid refuse,
He sunk among the midnight dews!
What may be done?– the night is gone –
The Bruce’s band moves swiftly on -
Eternal shame, if at the brunt
Lord Ronald grace not battle’s front!-
‘See yonder oak, within whose trunk
Decay a darken’d cell hath sunk;
Enter, and rest thee there a space,
Wrap in my plaid thy limbs, thy face.
I will not be, believe me, far;
But must not quit the ranks of war.
Well will I mark the bosky bourne,
And soon, to guard thee hence, return.-
Nay, weep not so, thou simple boy!
But sleep in peace, and wake in joy.’
In silvan lodging close bestow’d,
He placed the page, and onward strode
With strength put forth, o’er moss and brook,
And soon the marching band o’ertook.
Thus strangely left, long sobb’d and wept
The page, till, wearied out, he slept -
A rough voice waked his dream - 'Nay, here,
Here by this thicket pass’d the deer–
Beneath that oak old Ryno staid -
What have we here? - A Scottish plaid,
And in its folds a stripling laid?-
Come forth! thy name and business tell!
What, silent? - then I guess thee well,
The spy that sought old Cuthbert’s cell,
Wafted from Arran yester morn -
Come, comrades, we will straight return.
Our Lord may choose the rack should teach
To this young lurcher use of speech.
Thy bow-string, till I bind him fast.'-
‘Nay, but he weeps and stands aghast;
Unbound we’ll lead him, fear it not;
’Tis a fair stripling, though a Scot.’
The hunters to the castle sped,
And there the hapless captive led.
Stout Clifford in the castle-court
Prepared him for the morning sport;
And now with Lorn held deep discourse,
Now gave command for hound and horse.
War-steeds and palfreys paw’d the ground,
And many a deer-dog how’d around.
To Amadine, Lorn’s well-known word
Replying to that Southern Lord,
Mix’d with this clanging din, might seem
The phantasm of a fever’d dream.
The tone upon his ringing ears
Came like the sounds which fancy hears,
Some words of woe the muser finds,
Until more loudly and more near,
Their speech arrests the page’s ear.
‘And was she thus,’ said Clifford, ‘lost?
The priest should rue it to his cost!
What says the monk?’ - 'The holy Sire
Owns, that in masquer’s quaint attire,
She sought his skiff, disguised, unknown
To all except to him alone.
But, says the priest, a bark from Lorn
Laid them aboard that very morn,
And pirates seized for her their prey.
He proffer’d ransom gold to pay,
And they agreed - but ere told o’er,
The winds blow loud, the billows roar;
They sever’d, and they met no more.
He deems - such tempests vex’d the coast -
Ship, crew, and fugitive, were lost.
So let it be, with the disgrace
And scandal of her lofty race!
Thrice better she had ne’er been born,
Than brought her infamy on Lorn!’
Lord Clifford now the captive spied;-
‘Whom, Herbert, hast thou there?’ he cried.
‘A spy we seized within the Chase,
A hollow oak his lurking place.’-
‘What tidings can the youth afford?’-
‘He plays the mute.’ - 'Then noose a cord -
Unless brave Lorn reverse the doom
For his plaid’s sake.' - 'Clan-Colla’s loom,’
Said Lorn, whose careless glances trace
Rather the vesture than the face,
‘Clan-Colla’s dames such tartans twine;
Wearer nor plaid claims care of mine.
Give him, if my advice you crave,
His own scathed oak; and let him wave
In air, unless, by terror wrung,
A frank confession find his tongue.-
Nor shall he die without his rite;
—Thou, Angus Roy, attend the sight,
And give Clan-Colla’d dirge thy breath,
As they convey him to his death.'-
‘O brother! cruel to the last!’
Through the poor captive’s bosom pass’d
The thought, but, to his purpose true,
He said not, though he sigh’d, ‘Adieu!’
And will he keep his purpose still,
In sight of that last closing ill,
When one poor breath, one single word,
May freedom, safety, life, afford?
Can he resist the instinctive call,
For life that bids us barter all?-
Love, strong as death, his heart hath steel’d,
His nerves hath strung - he will not yield!
Since that poor breath, that little word,
May yield Lord Ronald to the sword.-
Clan-Colla’s dirge is pealing wide,
The grisly headsman’s by his side;
Along the greenwood Chase they bend,
And now their march has ghastly end!
That old and shatter’d oak beneath,
They destine for the place of death.
—What thoughts are his, while all in vain
His eye for aid explores the plain?
What thoughts, while, with dizzy ear,
He hears the death-prayer mutter’d near?
And must he die such death accurst,
Or will that bosom-secret burst?
Cold on his brow breaks terror’s dew,
His trembling lips are livid blue;
The agony of parting life
Has nought to match that moment’s strife!
But other witnesses are nigh,
Who mock at fear, and death defy!
Soon as the dire lament was play’d,
It waked the lurking ambuscade.
The Island Lord look’d forth, and spied
The cause, and loud in fury cried,-
‘By Heaven, they lead the page to die,
And mock me in his agony!
They shall abye it!’ - On his arm
Bruce laid strong grasp, 'They shall not harm
A ringlet of the stripling’s hair;
But, till I give the word, forbear.
—Douglas lead fifty of our force
Up yonder hollow water-course,
And couch thee midway on the wold,
Between the flyers and their hold:
A spear above the copse display’d,
Be signal of the ambush made.
—Edward, with forty spearmen, straight
Through yonder copse approach the gate,
And, when thou hear’st the battle-din,
Rush forward, and the passage win,
Secure the drawbridge - storm the port,
And man and guard the castle—court.—
The rest move slowly forth with me,
In shelter of the forest-tree,
Till Douglas at his post I see.’
Like war-horse eager to rush on,
Compell’d to wait the signal blown,
Hid, and scarce hid, by greenwood bough,
Trembling with rage, stands Ronald now,
And in his grasp his sword gleams blue
Soon to be dyed with deadlier hue.-
Meanwhile the Bruce, with steady eye,
Sees the dark death-train moving by,
And heedful measures oft the space
The Douglas and his band must trace,
Ere they can reach their destined ground.
Now sinks the dirge’s wailing sound,
Now cluster round the direful tree
That slow and solemn company,
While hymn mistuned and mutter’d prayer
The victim for his fate prepare.-
What glances o’er the greenwood shade?
The spear that marks the ambuscade!-
‘Now, noble Chief! I leave thee loose;
Upon them, Ronald!’ said the Bruce.
‘The Bruce! the Bruce!’ to well-known cry
His native rocks and woods reply.
‘The Bruce! the Bruce!’ in that dread word
The knell of hundred deaths was heard.
The astonish’d Southern gazed at first
Where the wild tempest was to burst,
That waked in that presaging name,
Before, behind, around it came!
Half-arm’d, surprised, on every side
Hemm’d in, hew’d down, they bled and died,
Deep in the ring the Bruce engaged,
And fierce Clan-Colla’s broadsword raged!
Full soon the few who fought were sped,
Nor better was their lot who fled,
And met, 'mid terror’s wild career,
The Douglas’s redoubted spear!
Two hundred yeoman on that morn
The castle left, and none return.
Not on their flight press’d Ronald’s brand,
A gentler duty claim’d his hand.
He raised the page, where the plain
His fear had sunk him with the slain:
And twice, that morn, surprise well near
Betray’d the secret kept by fear;
Once, when, with life returning, came
To the boy’s lip Lord Ronald’s name,
And hardly recollection drown’d
The accents in a murmuring sound;
And once, when scarce he could resist
The Chieftain’s care to loose the vest,
Drawn tightly o’er his labouring breast.
But then the Bruce’s bugle blew,
For martial work was yet to do.
A harder task fierce Edward waits.
Ere signal given, the castle gates
His fury had assail’d;
Such was his wonted reckless mood,
Yet desperate valour oft made good,
Even by its daring, venture rude,
Where prudence might have fail’d.
Upon the bridge his strength he threw,
And struck the iron chain in two,
By which its planks arose;
The warder next his axe’s edge
Struck down upon the threshold ledge,
‘Twixt door and post and ghastly wedge!
The gate they may not close.
Well fought the Southern in the fray,
Clifford and Lorn fought well that day,
But stubborn Edward forced his way
Against a hundred foes.
Loud came the cry, ’The Bruce, the Bruce!’
No hope or in defence or truce,-
Fresh combatants pour in;
Mad with success, and drunk with gore,
They drive the struggling foe before,
And ward on ward they win.
Unsparing was the vengeful sword,
And limbs were lopp’d, and life-blood pour’d,
The cry of death and conflict roar’d,
And fearful was the din!
The startling horses plunged and flung,
Clamour’d the dogs till turrets rung,
Nor sunk the fearful cry,
Till not a foeman was there found
Alive, save those who on the ground
Groan’d in their agony!
The valiant Clifford is no more;
On Ronald’s broadsword stream’s his gore.
But better hap had he of Lorn,
Who, by the foeman backward borne,
Yet gain’d with slender train the port,
Where lay his bark beneath the fort,
And cut the cable loose.
Short were his shrift in that debate,
That hour of fury and of fate,
If Lorn encounter’d Bruce!
Then long and loud the victor shout
From turret and from tower rung out,
The rugged vaults replied;
And from the donjon tower on high,
The men of Carrick may descry
Saint Andrew’s cross, in blazonry
Of silver, waving wide!
The Bruce hath won his father’s hall!
-'Welcome, brave friends and comrades all,
Welcome to mirth and joy!
The first, the last, is welcome here,
From lord and chieftain, prince and peer,
To this poor speechless boy.
Great God! once more my sire’s abode
Is mine - behold the floor I trode
In tottering infancy!
And there the vaulted arch, whose sound
Echoed my joyous shout and bound
In boyhood, and that rung around
To youth’s unthinking glee!
O first, to thee, all-gracious Heaven,
Then to my friends, my thanks be given!'-
He paused a space, his brow he cross’d–
Then on the board his sword he toss’d,
Yet steaming hot; with Southern gore
From hilt to point ’twas crimson’d o’er.
‘Bring here,’ he said, 'the mazers four,
My noble fathers loved of yore.
Thrice let them circle round the board,
The pledge, fair Scotland’s rights restor’d!
And he whose lip shall touch the wine,
Without a vow as true as mine,
To hold both lands and life at nought,
Until her freedom shall be bought,-
Be brand of a disloyal Scot,
And lasting infamy his lot!
Sit, gentle friends! our hour of glee
Is brief, we’ll spend it joyously!
Blithest of all the sun’s bright beams,
When betwixt storm and storm he gleams.
Well is our country’s work begun,
But more, far more, must yet be done.
Speed messengers the country through;
Arouse old friends, and gather new;
Warn Lanark’s knights to gird their mail,
Rouse the brave sons of Teviotdale,
Let Ettrick’s archers sharp their darts,
The fairest forms, the truest hearts!
Call all, call all! from Reedswair-Path,
To the wild confines of Cape-Wrath;
Wide let the news through Scotland ring,-
The Northern Eagle claps his wing!’
Autres oeuvres par Sir Walter Scott...
