Caricamento in corso...
Vic Evora

The Crucibles

"The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the Lord trieth the hearts."
Proverbs 17:3 KJV

Double Sonnets
The mercury dropped precipitously
Greater than twenty degrees Fahrenheit
When the weather front traversed the city
Lightning thunder rolled with fury and might
Hard rain fierce winds flash floods fallen branches
Then the storm passed! day turned sunny and bright
Cool refreshing breeze in the town’s beaches
The gorgeous weather lasted through the night
Yet damage been done; the storm left its mark
Toppled trees mangled roofs unsightly blight
Revival be a while and needs some work
But in the end the town will be all right!
The storms come to teach us precious lessons
We learn! and they make lasting impressions!
Tribulations arrive in other ways
Storms, not the only trials in our lives
Death illness injury darken our days
Betrayal pierces our souls with sharp knives
In the aftermath cracked minds broken hearts
With ravaged bodies, hope within us dies
In our lives we’ll grapple with thousand darts
Despairing we pray heav’n will hear our cries
But all is not lost; so never despair
Just like the little town, we’ll recover
For the mighty Lord our future will spare
When we turn to Him in fervent prayer
For these crucibles teach us key lessons
To guide us in life’s myriad diversions!
© Vic Evora
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