Even in the gloomiest of days, she colors his world
In the darkest of midnights, she’s his northern star
With her around, all the rose petals are unfurled
Vibrant colors of the rainbow dazzle near and far
Without her, the days are gray and nights are grim
The sky is ominous, the rain clouds are threatening
The fearful sun hides, and the angels sing no hymn
Autumn leaves all around and nary a sign of spring
Flowers bloom and birds sing whenever he sees her
No hurricanes nor storms, only refreshing showers
The leaves are greener and the ocean’s a deep azure
Fireflies and the stars light up the midnight hours
When she leaves, happiness follows her out the door
The sun shines not as bright, the sunset has no luster
Verses don’t rhyme, and songs have melody no more
All the days are gloomy for there’s stormy weather
But the days he spends with her, forever memorable
Each and every moment, one rose in a floral bouquet
One pearl in an endless string, a single note audible
In a harmonious symphony lasting forever and a day
Sadly, his beloved has left; she’ll never come back
She has crossed the threshold to a universe beyond
Broken-hearted, his days and nights are pitch black
No one to color his world! No one with a magic wand…
© Vic A Evora...