Vic Evora

Childhood Mistakes

“It is fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”
– Bill Gates
"Making mistakes is part of life—and a really big part of growing up. It's how you learn who you want to be"
-Talking with Trees Books

A Sonnet
When we were children, often we have strayed
Knowing consequences, notwithstanding
Gaffes and blunders, screwups of every shade
Still we were defiant, unrelenting
But then we grow up, adulthood happens
Our mistakes when young forever haunt us
Remorse and regrets oftentimes intense
Our worldview and outlook affected thus
But don’t let mistakes be the sad excuse
From fulfilling lifelong pursuits and goals
Rather let the lessons learned be the muse
To our fervent wish to gain life’s controls
Nearly everyone makes mistakes when young
Not enough for our lives to be unsung
© Vic Evora
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