Vic Evora


The following are Filipino sayings (Aphorisms) that I expressed as "dalit" - an old form of Filipino poetry

Two cooks do not a porridge make
Nor do they bake a fluffy cake
One will have to leave the kitchen
After all, it’s not a playpen
One who loves not his native tongue
And speaks solely in foreign slang
He’s worse than rancid stinky fish
Fit for nothing else but rubbish
Though poverty may weigh you down
It can’t eclipse a dreamer’s crown
With grit and hope you’ll claim renown
For in the struggle strength is found
Life spins around a constant flow
One moment high, the next below
Embrace the ride for all will show
That rise and fall is how we grow
A sleeping lobster drifts so slow
The ocean’s pull begins to grow
It takes him where he doesn’t know
Beneath the waves the currents flow
Whatever seeds you choose to lay
Will sprout and bloom or fade away
For in the end the fruits you keep
Are harvests of the things you reap
A child who’s given all they need
Will struggle when it’s time to lead
For only those who work and strive
Will learn to grow and truly thrive
In every town the ways will change
What’s normal here, there may be strange
For customs shift from place to place
A new world in each street you trace
© Vic Evora

An aphorism (from Greek : aphorismos, denoting 'delimitation', 'distinction', and 'definition') is a concise, terse, laconic, or memorable expression of a general truth or principle.[1] Aphorisms are often handed down by tradition from generation to generation.

The concept is generally distinct from those of an adage, brocard, chiasmus, epigram, maxim (legal or philosophical), principle, proverb, and saying; although some of these concepts could be construed as types of aphorism.

In Filipino, "dalit" refers to a short, traditional poem consisting of four lines with eight syllables each, often used in a religious context, with debate on whether its origin is purely indigenous or influenced by Spanish friars during the colonial period; essentially, it means a "short offering poem" or "prayer verse.".

#2025 #Aphorisms #DalitTagalogSaying

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