Miss Understood

Are You The One

(Dead Beat "father")

Are you the one who would hold me till i fell asleep?
Are you the one who would wake up every morning just too make our day?
Are you the one who would dress up like Santa so id think he was real?
Are you the one who would dance with my mother just to make her laugh?
Are you the one who would stay up late just to make sure the Easter eggs were hidden?
Are you the one who would stay up with me if i had a “bad dream”
Are you the one who would get high and leave us for weeks
Are you the one who would steal all the toys you told me Santa brought me?
Are you the one who would beat my mother until you got your way?
Are you the one who would break into the house and steal the little bit of money we did have?
Are you the one who would make me promises just to break them?
Are you the one who would ignore me screams as they took me?
Are You Two sides of a lie.
Because I Barely Remember the man You Use Too Be
I Only See The Addict That You Are Now
So Lets Skip The Shit “Father” If That’s What You Say You Are
But I Only See A LAIR!
Autres oeuvres par Miss Understood...
