~ S ~

Declaration of Love

I find myself distracted; completely blown away
When I think about you, all hours of the day
At night I want to hold you and never let you go
I need you here beside me, through my highs and lows
I never dreamed I could - feel safe again or trust
Shattered by betrayal, my world reduced to dust
You have changed my mind-set, shown me what is real
My heart is filled with love that I struggle to conceal
I feel so overwhelmed when I look into your eyes
You have an inner beauty that cannot be disguised
Though pain has been embedded inside you for so long
I see a soul so caring; vulnerable, yet strong
I wish I could just touch you; know that you are there
I want to hold you closer, draw you very near
I need you deep inside me, to feel your warm embrace
I love everything about you –your smile, your touch, your taste


Dedicated to Paul

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