#EnglishWriters #DisappointmentAndFailure #Living #Love #Love #MenAndWomen #Relationships #RhymedStanza #SeparationAndDivorce & Break-ups Vexed
And wilt thou leave me thus? Say nay, say nay, for shame, To save thee from the blame Of all my grief and grame; And wilt thou leave me thus?
WHAT meaneth this! when I lie al… I toss, I turn, I sigh, I groan; My bed me seems as hard as stone: What means this? I sigh, I plain continually;
Who list his wealth and ease retai… Himself let him unknown contain. Press not too fast in at that gate Where the return stands by disdain… For sure, circa Regna tonat.
Since so ye please to hear me plai… And that ye do rejoice my smart, Me list no lenger to remain To such as be so overthwart. But cursed be that cruel heart
THERE was never nothing more me… Nor more my pity mov’d, As when my sweetheart her complain… That ever she me lov’d. Alas! the while!
Tagus, farewell! that westward wit… Turns up the grains of gold alread… With spur and sail, for I go seek… Gainward the sun that shewth her w… And to the town which Brutus soug…
The longë love that in my thought… And in mine hert doth keep his res… Into my face presseth with bold pr… And therein campeth, spreading his… She that me learneth to love and s…
You that in love finde lucke and h… And live in lust and joyful joliti… Arise, for shame, do away your slu… A rise, I say, do may some observ… Let me in bed lye dreming in misch…
The heart and service to you proff… With right good will full honestly… Refuse it not, since it is offer’d… But take it to you gentlely. And though it be a small present,
Alas, madam, for stealing of a kis… Have I so much your mind there of… Have I then done so grievously am… That by no means it may be amended… Then revenge you, and the next way…
Madam, withouten many words Once I am sure ye will or no ... And if ye will, then leave your bo… And use your wit and show it so, And with a beck ye shall me call;
BLAME not my Lute! for he must… Of this or that as liketh me ; For lack of wit the Lute is bound To give such tunes as pleaseth me… Though my songs be somewhat strang…
Lucks, my fair falcon, and your fe… How well pleasant it were your lib… Ye not forsake me that fair might… But they that sometime liked my co… Like lice away from dead bodies th…
My lute awake! perform the last Labour that thou and I shall wast… And end that I have now begun; For when this song is sung and pas… My lute be still, for I have done…
Unstable dream, according to the p… Be steadfast once, or else at leas… By tasted sweetness make me not to… The sudden loss of thy false feign… By good respect in such a dangerou…