Grant heav’n that I may chuse my… If you design me worldly Happines… Tis not Honour thats but air Glory has but fancied light Fame as oft speak’s false as right
Have mercy mercy Lord on us & grant thy blessed grace Direct us in ye way of life By th’ sunshine of thy face So all the nations on the earth
In PhÅbus Wit (as Ovid said) Enchanting Beauty woo’d; In Daphne Beauty coily fled, While vainly Wit pursu’d. But when you trace what Ovid writ…
When thy beauty appears In its graces and airs All bright as an angel new dropp’d… At distance I gaze and am awed by… So strangely you dazzle my eye!
Arise my soul & hast away Thy god doth call & canst thou… Thee to his table he invites To tast of heavenly delights He sufferd death to sett thee free
To friend with fingers quick &… I send this piece of tunefull timb… that, as ’tis said in Orpheus stor… He may teach trees to dance a Bor… Or else in modern Phrase more kna…
As Nelly to a chamber got To take her leave of Ned She loosd her lace & Cast a k… (Ah why unlacd the maid.). Now pull the further end she cryd
When in the River Cows for Cooln… And Sheep for Breezes seek the lo… A Youth whom Ãsop taught that ev… Each Bird and Insect spoke as wel… Walk’d calmly musing in a shaded…
O Tell if any fate you see Can more unhappy prove Than where the nymph will cruell b… & still the swain must love Twere Joy to sigh & serve a f…
The things that Mortals love are… & swiftly transient fleet befo… Or if with man a longer while they… Man swiftly transient fleets himse…
As Pope who gathers mony to trans… With Gay the Shepheard Writer me… Says Pope, your Ecclogues wont co… For Phillips to reprieve him Tons… Indeed the story may be true, says…
How bless’d the man, how fully so, As far as man is bless’d below, Who taking up his cross essays To follow Jesus all his days, With resolution to obey,
Propitious Son of God to thee With all my soul I bend my knee, My wish I send my want impart, And dedicate my mind and heart, For as an absent parent’s son
Strephon & I upon a bank were… Where the gay spring in varied col… & her rich odours lavish natur… When thus the Youth, while this w… Can we but wonder at its maker too…
How long ye miserable blind Shall idle dreams engage your mind… How long the passions make their f… At empty shadows of delight? No more in paths of error stray,