Some say the spot is banned; that… Attests to a deed of hell; But of else than of bale is the my… That ancient Vale-folk tell. Ere Cernel’s Abbey ceased hereabo…
(As sung by Mr. Charles Charring… O MY trade it is the rarest one, Simple shepherds all— My trade is a sight to see; For my customers I tie, and take…
I said to Love, "It is not now as in old days When men adored thee and thy ways All else above; Named thee the Boy, the Bright, t…
I sat in the Muses’ Hall at the m… And it seemed to grow still, and t… And the chiselled shapes to combin… Till beside a Carrara column ther… She was nor this nor that of those…
Past the hills that peep Where the leaze is smiling, On and on beguiling Crisply-cropping sheep; Under boughs of brushwood
‘Whenever I plunge my arm, like t… In a basin of water, I never miss The sweet sharp sense of a fugitiv… Fetched back from its thickening s… Hence the only prime
What of the faith and fire within… Men who march away Ere the barn-cocks say Night is growing gray, To hazards whence no tears can win…
THREE captains went to Indian w… And only one returned: Their mate of yore, he singly wore The laurels all had earned. At home he sought the ancient aisl…
The thick lids of Night closed up… Alone at the Bill Of the Isle by the Race - Many—caverned, bald, wrinkled of f… And with darkness and silence the…
For long the cruel wish I knew That your free heart should ache f… While mine should bear no ache for… For, long—the cruel wish!—I knew How men can feel, and craved to vi…
The curtains now are drawn, And the spindrift strikes the glas… Blown up the jagged pass By the surly salt sou’-west, And the sneering glare is gone
The church flings forth a battled… Over the moon-blanched sward: The church; my gift; whereto I pa… My all in hand and hoard; Lavished my gains
PART I ‘I have a Love I love too well Where Dunkery frowns on Exon Moo… I have a Love I love too well, To whom, ere she was mine,
‘A woman never agreed to it!’ said… 'That one thing she’d refuse to do… No woman ever will make herself lo… I did not answer; but I thought,… It took a rare one, true, to do it…
We walked where Victor Jove was s… And passed to Livia’s rich red mu… Whence, thridding cave and Cripto… We gained Caligula’s dissolving p… And each ranked ruin tended to beg…