At last I entered a long dark gal… Catacomb—lined; and ranged at the… Were the bodies of men from far an… Who, motion past, were nevertheles… “The sense of waiting here strikes…
I would that folk forgot me quite, Forgot me quite! I would that I could shrink from… And no more see the sun. Would it were time to say farewell…
You did not come, And marching Time drew on, and wo… Yet less for loss of your dear pre… Than that I thus found lacking in… That high compassion which can ove…
I do not see the hills around, Nor mark the tints the copses wear… I do not note the grassy ground And constellated daisies there. I hear not the contralto note
“Thou shalt be—Nothing.”—Omar Kh… “Tombless, with no remembrance.”—… Dead shalt thou lie; and nought Be told of thee or thought, For thou hast plucked not of the…
TO Jenny came a gentle youth From inland leazes lone; His love was fresh as apple-blooth By Parrett, Yeo, or Tone. And duly he entreated her
For long the cruel wish I knew That your free heart should ache f… While mine should bear no ache for… For, long—the cruel wish!—I knew How men can feel, and craved to vi…
If seasons all were summers, And leaves would never fall, And hopping casement-comers Were foodless not at all, And fragile folk might be here
Only a man harrowing clods In a slow silent walk With an old horse that stumbles an… Half asleep as they stalk. Only thin smoke without flame
In a solitude of the sea Deep from human vanity, And the Pride of Life that planne… Steel chambers, late the pyres Of her salamandrine fires,
UPON a poet’s page I wrote Of old two letters of her name; Part seemed she of the effulgent t… Whence that high singer’s rapture… —When now I turn the leaf the sam…
THIS love puts all humanity from… I can but maledict her, pray her d… For giving love and getting love o… Feeding a heart that else mine own… How much I love I know not, life…
I said to Love, “It is not now as in old days When men adored thee and thy ways All else above; Named thee the Boy, the Bright, t…
“You see those mothers squabbling… Remarks the man of the cemetery. “One says in tears, ‘Tis mine lie… Another, ‘Nay, mine, you Pharisee… Another, ‘How dare you move my fl…
In Memory of one of the Writer’s… with Napoleon In a ferny byway Near the great South-Wessex High… A homestead raised its breakfast-s…