Traveller on foreign ground, whoe’… Tell the great tidings! They went… A Legion, and came back from vict… Two hundred men and Glory! On the… Is this ‘to losc?’ Yet, Stranger,…
In the most early morn I rise from a damp pillow, tempest… To seek the sun with silent gaze f… And mourn for thee, my lost Isabel.
Wheel me into the sunshine, Wheel me into the shadow, There must be leaves on the woodbi… Is the king-cup crowned in the mea… Wheel me down to the meadow,
Lord, I am poor, and know not how… But since Thou art so great, Thou needest not that I should sp… All angels speak unto Thee well. Lord, Thou hast all things: what…
By Temèsvar I hear the clarions c… The year dies. Let it die. It liv… Gun booms to gun along the looming… Another year advances o’er the pla… The Despot hails it from his bann…
Down by the Sutlej shore, Where sound the trumpet and the wi… At winter’s eve did come A gaunt old northern lion, at whos… The myriad howlers of thy wilds ar…
Can I see thee stand On the looming land? Dost thou wave with thy white hand Farewell, farewell? I could think that thou art near,
Where are you, Poets, that a Hero… Unsung? He who, when Duty brought… His billet of rest toiled on till… The countersign of Glory? There h… And in the silence of your poesies
On a solemn day I clomb the shining bulwark of the… Not by the beaten way, But climbing by a prayer, That like a golden thread hung by…
‘And it shall come to pass at even… There shall be light.’ Lord, it h… As one day to the world so now to… Thine advent. My dark eve is whit… My year so sour and green is gold…
Ten heads and twenty hearts! so th… Having more room and verge, and st… The cage that galls us into consci… Might drown the rings and ripples… In the smooth deep of being: plena…
Were Shakspeare born a twin, his… (Not of the golden but the silver… Should be like thee: so, with such… Sweeten his looks, so, with her de… His voice, (a king’s words writ ou…
The butter an’ the cheese weel sto… I sit on the hen-coop the eggs on… The lang kail jigs as we jog owre… The gray mare’s tail it wags wi’ t… The warm simmer sky is blue aboon…
Oh the wold, the wold, Oh the wold, the wold! Oh the winter stark, Oh the level dark, On the wold, the wold, the wold!
He came with us to thy great gates… Unopened Age. Our noise was like… Chafing the wordy Deep; but broad… They stood unmoved. Then He,—we k… Laid forth his hand upon them. Lo…