RETURN, return! all night my la… All night, like it, my wide eyes w… Like it, I fade and pale, when da… Bears witness that the absent can… Return, return.
O’er our evening fire the smoke is… And funeral banners hang about the… In the gable end I see a catafalq… And night is drawn up like a curta… Thou knowest why we silent sit, an…
Over that breathing waste of frien… The wounded and the dying, hour by… In will a thousand, yet but one in… He labours thro’ the red and groan… The fearful moorland where the myr…
In the most early morn I rise from a damp pillow, tempest… To seek the sun with silent gaze f… And mourn for thee, my lost Isabel.
Friend, by whose cancelling hand d… Her debtor, and rescribe her stern… Oh with that happier light wherein… May all thine after, years be sunn… May God, to Whom my daily bliss…
I do not say the day is long and w… For while thou art content to be a… Living in thee, oh Love, I live t… And reck not if mine own be sad an… I do not count its sorrows or its…
Last night beneath the foreign sta… And saw the thoughts of those at h… To the great grave upon the hill o… Upon the darkness they went visibl… Each in the vesture of its own dis…
NOR force nor fraud shall sunder… Who north or south, on east or wes… Native to noble sounds, say truth… Freedom for freedom, love for love… For God; O ye who in eternal yout…
If Beauty is a name for visible L… And Love for Beauty in the consci… Which when commoving to its highes… Or making that whole part of whole… Itself, feels, like an eye, that i…
The sun that in Breadalbane’s lak… Was melting to the sea down golden… When a cry came along the peopled… ‘Sebastopol is ours!’ From that w… I turned, and leaning on a time-wo…
Rain, rain, sweet warm rain, On the wood and on the plain! Rain, rain, warm and sweet, Summer wood lush leafy and loud, With note of a throat that ripples…
Fiddler loquitur Heigho, fiddlestick, fiddlestick,… Heigho, fiddlestick, fiddle for a… Heigh, pretty Kitty! heigh, jolly… Up with the heels, girls! fling, l…
‘Tumble and rumble, and grumble an… Like a whale to starboard, a whale… Tumble and rumble, and grumble and… And the steamer steams thro’ the s… ‘I see the ship on the sea, love,
I have heard a friar say That the Olive learned to pray In Gethsemane,- A holy man was he, Jacopo by name,-
Since he is Poet of whom gods ord… Some most anthropic and perhuman a… Whereby his manhood shall so man h… That but his man of man is born ag… And since humanity is most humane,